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<!-- 360 Embed -->
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"iframe": "https://vimeo.com/226163750",
"path": "/images/media-embed-demo/us-video-image.jpg",
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"iframeMaxWidth": "100%"
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"path": "/images/media-embed-demo/7N0A0904.jpg",
"alt": "Markeaton Street - The Street",
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import $ from 'jquery'
import lightgallery from 'lightgallery'
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outside text block...
give same behaviour as a text block
.center-align > .media-embed {
// mixin that sets a consistent columns width
@include uod-text-column;
// start: set default intra-component spacing (units are responsive and based on em values)
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@include margin-large;
// end: set default intra-component spacing (units are responsive and based on em values)
/* When an image embed follows a text block adjust the margins... */
.center-align > .text-block + .media-embed,
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@include margin-medium-offset;
@include for-tablet-portrait-up {
@include margin-large-offset;
/* When an image embed follows an image embed... */
.center-align > .media-embed + .media-embed {
@include margin-medium-offset;
The media embed component sits alongside text blocks. It can be used to embed iframed content from multiple sources; Youtube, Vimeo, URLs e.g. 360 videos.
When clicked on the iframe content opens within a modal, as with the behaviour of the media gallery component.
Responsive images are supported through use of the srcset property, which combine an image path and a target screen width at which the image should be displayed.