<div class="search-result-wrapper">
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<div class="search-result-pattern search-result-pattern-diagonal search-result-pattern-green-blue"></div>
<div class="search-result-content with-pattern">
<div class="search-result-heading">
<div class="h5"><a href="">Art and design subjects</a></div>
<p class="search-result-teaser">Many studies have shown that a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering anxiety levels.</p>
<div class="search-result-wrapper">
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{% if image %}
<div class="search-result-image">
<img src="{{ image.path | path }}"{% if image.srcset %} srcset="{% for src in image.srcset %}{{ src.path | path }} {{ src.width }}w, {% endfor %}{{ image.path | path }}"{% endif %} alt="{{ image.alt }}" />
{% endif %}
{% if pattern %}
<div class="search-result-pattern search-result-pattern-{{ pattern }}{% if patternColour %} search-result-pattern-{{ patternColour }}{% else %} search-result-pattern-green-blue{% endif %}"></div>
{% endif %}
<div class="search-result-content{% if image %} with-image{% endif %}{% if pattern %} with-pattern{% endif %}">
{% if tag %}<div class="search-result-tag">{{ tag }}</div>{% endif %}
<div class="search-result-heading">
<div class="h5"><a href="{{ link }}">{{ title }}</a></div>
{% if subtitle %}<h5 class="subheading">{{ subtitle }}</h5>{% endif %}
<p class="search-result-teaser">{{ teasertext }}</p>
{% if metadata %}
<div class="search-result-metadata">
{% for data in metadata %}
<span class="inline-heading">{{ data.key }}:</span> {{ data.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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"title": "Art and design subjects",
"teasertext": "Many studies have shown that a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering anxiety levels.",
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// defining the colours as a collection allows us to loop through them and generate classnames based on the keys
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strawberry: $strawberry,
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For go live listing pages as per the designs aren't possible
Using listing pages generated in T4 we want to give search results the same behaviour as a text block
.center-align > .search-result-wrapper, .center-align > .search-result-wrapper-container > .search-result-wrapper{
// mixin that sets a consistent columns width
@include uod-text-column;
A generic search result template, to be used for search results where there is no specific format for the result type.