Error rendering component

TypeError: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined

<section class="teaser-group-listing">
	{% if title %}<h2 class="teaser-listing-title">{{title}}</h2>{% endif %}
	<div class="teaser-listing-container">
		<!-- Loading spinner goes here -->
		<div class="teaser-listing">
			<div class="gutter-sizer"></div>
			<div class="masonry-sizer"></div>

			{% for teaser in teasers %}
			<div class="teaser-group-item">
				<div class="teaser-group-item__content {% if teaser.small %}teaser-group-item__content--small{% endif %}">
					{% if teaser.image.path | path %}
					<img src="{{teaser.image.path}}" alt="">
					{% endif %}
					<div class="teaser-group-item__content--text">
						<div class="teaser-tag"><a class="teaser-group-item-link" href="{% if teaser.taghref%}{{teaser.taghref}}{% else %}#{% endif %}">{{teaser.tag}}</a></div>
						<a class="teaser-group-item-link" href="{% if teaser.href%}{{teaser.href}}{% else %}#{% endif %}">
						<h3 class="teaser-title">{{teaser.title}}</h3>
						<a class="teaser-group-item-link" href="{% if teaser.authorhref%}{{teaser.authorhref}}{% else %}#{% endif %}">
						{% if %}<div class="teaser-author">{{}}</div>{% endif %}
						<a class="teaser-group-item-link" href="{% if teaser.href%}{{teaser.href}}{% else %}#{% endif %}">
						<p class="teaser-content">{{teaser.content}}</p>
						{% if teaser.postdate %}<div class="teaser-postdate">Posted: {{teaser.postdate}}</div>{% endif %}
						<a class="teaser-group-item-link" href="{% if teaser.href%}{{teaser.href}}{% else %}#{% endif %}">
							<div class="teaser-group-item-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
			{% endfor %}

  "title": "You may be interested in",
  "teasers": [
      "tag": "Case Study",
      "title": "Satisfaction, happiness and our connection to nature",
      "content": "Many studies have shown that a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels.",
      "image": {
        "path": ""
      "small": true,
      "tag": "Undergraduate Course",
      "title": "Business and Management BSc (Hons) degree",
      "content": "You’ll experiment with the latest digital software, learn about the principles of animation, produce distinctive animated films and develop the professional awareness you need to launch your career.",
      "image": {
        "path": ""
      "small": true,
      "tag": "News",
      "title": "University of Derby students win national bursary for engineering talent",
      "content": "Many studies have shown that a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels."
      "tag": "Undergraduate Course",
      "title": "Business and Management BSc (Hons) degree",
      "content": "You’ll experiment with the latest digital software, learn about the principles of animation, produce distinctive animated films and develop the professional awareness you need to launch your career."
      "small": true,
      "tag": "News",
      "title": "University of Derby students win national bursary for engineering talent",
      "content": "Many studies have shown that a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels.",
      "image": {
        "path": ""
      "small": true,
      "tag": "Undergraduate Course",
      "title": "Business and Management BSc (Hons) degree",
      "content": "You’ll experiment with the latest digital software, learn about the principles of animation, produce distinctive animated films and develop the professional awareness you need to launch your career."
  • Content:
    import $ from "jquery";
    import masonry from 'masonry-layout';
    import imagesLoaded from 'imagesloaded';
    if ($('.teaser-listing-container').length > 0) {
      var loaderMarkup = '<div class="teaser-loader"><div class="spinner"></div></div>';
      var msnry = new masonry( '.teaser-listing', {
        // options
        horizontalOrder: true,
        columnWidth: '.masonry-sizer',
        gutter: ".gutter-sizer",
        initLayout: false,
        isResizable: true,
      // element
      imagesLoaded( document.querySelector('.teaser-listing'), function( instance ) {
      msnry.on('layoutComplete', function() {
      setTimeout(function (){
      	$('.teaser-loader').fadeOut(1000, function(){
      }, 2000);
  • URL: /components/raw/teaser-group-listing/teaser-group-listing.js
  • Filesystem Path: components/components/teaser-group-listing/teaser-group-listing.js
  • Size: 814 Bytes
  • Content:
    .teaser-listing-title {
    	text-align: center;
    	width: 100%;
    .teaser-listing-container {
    	@include body-font;
    	position: relative;
    	min-width: 100%;
    	min-height: 100vh;
        @include margin-large;
    	.teaser-listing {
    		.masonry-sizer, .teaser-group-item {
    			position: relative;
    			width: 49.75%;
    			@include for-phone-only {
    				width: 100%;
    	 	.gutter-sizer {
    			width: 0.25%;
    		.teaser-group-item {
    			overflow: hidden;
    			margin-bottom: 0.25%;
    			&:nth-child(odd) .teaser-group-item__content.teaser-group-item__content--small {
    				float: right;
    			&:nth-child(even) .teaser-group-item__content.teaser-group-item__content--small {
    				float: left;
    			&-link {
    				color: #fff;
    				text-decoration: none;
    				background: none;
    				&:hover {
    						animation: hover-indicator .5s 1;
    	        &-arrow {
    	            display: inline-flex;
    	            color: $white;
    	            font-size: px-to-em(30, 17);
    	            width: 30px;
    	            height: 30px;
    	            align-self: flex-end;
    	            margin-bottom: -14px;
    	            i {
    	                transform: rotate(90deg) translateY(-3px);
    	                transform-origin: center center;
    			&__content {
    				color: #fff;
    				background-color: $primary-blue;
    				margin: 4px;
     					padding: 1em;
    				&--small {
    					@include for-phone-only {
    						max-width: 100%;
    					max-width: 80%;
    				img {
    					max-width: 100%;
    				.teaser-tag {
    					font-size: responsive 17px 15px;
    					text-transform: uppercase;
    					line-height: 11px;
    				.teaser-author {
    					font-size: responsive 17px 15px;
    					line-height: 1;
    					font-weight: bold;
    					margin-bottom: 30px;
    				.teaser-postdate {
    					font-size: responsive 17px 15px;
    					line-height: 1;
    					margin-bottom: 30px;
    				.teaser-title {
    					font-size: responsive 18px 24px;
    					font-range: $mobile-portrait $tablet-landscape;
    					line-height: 26px;
    					font-weight: bold;
    					color: #fff;
    					padding: 17px 0;
    				.teaser-content {
    					font-size: responsive 17px 16px;
    					font-range: $mobile-portrait $tablet-landscape;
    .teaser-loader {
    	position: absolute;
    	top: 0;
    	bottom: 0;
    	left: 0;
    	right: 0;
    	background-color: #fff;
    	z-index: 2;
    	.spinner {
    		position: fixed;
    		left: 50%;
  • URL: /components/raw/teaser-group-listing/teaser-group-listing.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/components/teaser-group-listing/teaser-group-listing.scss
  • Size: 2.4 KB

Masonry Page

Creates a responsive two column teaser content layout. Uses masonry.js to generate the markup and incorporates a spinner to hide the restructuring of the markup while the images load.

Key Features

  • Wide and narrow variants
  • Optional image
  • Loader to hide masonry layout shift
  • Graceful degradation for users without js


  • Title [Optional, string teaser block title]
  • teasers [Required, array teaser items]
    • small [Optional, boolean]
    • tag [Required, string]
    • title [Required, string]
    • content [Required, string]
    • image [Optional, array]
      • path [Required, string]