<section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="upcoming-events" style="margin-bottom: 3rem;">
    <h2 id="upcoming-events">Blog Posts</h2>
<div class="search-result-wrapper">
    <section class="search-result">
        <div class="search-result-image"><img src="https://blog.derby.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/pexels-photo-380769-800x450.jpeg" /></div>
        <div class="search-result-content with-image">
            <div class="search-result-heading">
                <div class="h5"><a href="https://blog.derby.ac.uk/?p=2422">Skills, higher education and the employability agenda</a></div>
            <p class="search-result-teaser">Professor Malcolm Todd, Provost of the University of Derby, talks about the role higher education plays in promoting skills and employability.</p>
    <section class="search-result">
        <div class="search-result-image"><img src="https://blog.derby.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Civil-4658-4267-800-x-450.jpg" /></div>
        <div class="search-result-content with-image">
            <div class="search-result-heading">
                <div class="h5"><a href="https://blog.derby.ac.uk/?p=2359">Derby in the driving seat on the skills route</a></div>
            <p class="search-result-teaser">University of Derby is working closely with colleges and the D2N2 local enterprise partnership to develop the higher level skills required in the job market.</p>
    <section class="search-result">
        <div class="search-result-image"><img src="https://blog.derby.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/feedback-image-1.jpg" /></div>
        <div class="search-result-content with-image">
            <div class="search-result-heading">
                <div class="h5"><a href="https://blog.derby.ac.uk/?p=2099">National Student Survey: The importance of student feedback</a></div>
            <p class="search-result-teaser">With the release of the National Student Survey results, Professor Malcolm Todd, Provost (Academic) at the University of Derby, discusses student feedback.</p>
{% if heading %}<section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="upcoming-events" style="margin-bottom: 3rem;">
    <h2 id="upcoming-events">{{ heading }}</h2>
</section>{% endif %}

<div class="search-result-wrapper">
	{% for post in posts %}
	<section class="search-result">
		{% if post.image %}<div class="search-result-image"><img src="{{ post.image }}"/></div>{% endif %}
	    <div class="search-result-content {% if post.image %}with-image{% endif %}">
	    	<div class="search-result-heading"><div class="h5"><a href="{{ post.guid }}">{{ post.title }}</a></div></div>
	    	<p class="search-result-teaser">{{ post.content }}</p>
	{% endfor %}
  "heading": "Blog Posts",
  "posts": [
      "image": "https://blog.derby.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/pexels-photo-380769-800x450.jpeg",
      "guid": "https://blog.derby.ac.uk/?p=2422",
      "title": "Skills, higher education and the employability agenda",
      "content": "Professor Malcolm Todd, Provost of the University of Derby, talks about the role higher education plays in promoting skills and employability."
      "image": "https://blog.derby.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Civil-4658-4267-800-x-450.jpg",
      "guid": "https://blog.derby.ac.uk/?p=2359",
      "title": "Derby in the driving seat on the skills route",
      "content": "University of Derby is working closely with colleges and the D2N2 local enterprise partnership to develop the higher level skills required in the job market."
      "image": "https://blog.derby.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/feedback-image-1.jpg",
      "guid": "https://blog.derby.ac.uk/?p=2099",
      "title": "National Student Survey: The importance of student feedback",
      "content": "With the release of the National Student Survey results, Professor Malcolm Todd, Provost (Academic) at the University of Derby, discusses student feedback."

Blog Listing Atom

The blog listing atom shows links to a staff members blog articles on blog.derby.ac.uk using the search listing layout.


  • heading [Optional, string, blog section title]
  • posts [Requried, array, a list of posts]
    • image [Optional, string, an image link]
    • guid [Required, string, a link to the blog post]
    • title [Required, string, the blog post title]
    • content [Required, string, the blog post content]