<section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="here’s-where-your-journey-starts">
    <h2 id="here’s-where-your-journey-starts">Here’s where your journey starts</h2>
    <p>The pathways have been used to develop an indicator that measures how connected to nature a person is. It’s hoped that this indicator will be adopted by national policy makers as a way of measuring the effects of interventions. The University led
        this work, alongside The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Natural England, RSPB, and Historic England.</p>
    <p>The University led this work, alongside The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Natural England, RSPB, and Historic England.</p>

<section class="text-block">
    <h3>Induction Schedule</h3>
    <p>Please use the search facility below to find the induction schedule for your course.</p>
    <div class="search-input-group search-input-group-outline search-input-group-enrolment">
        <input type="text" class="search-input" name="q" placeholder="eg Fine Art BA (Hons)" id="interview-search">
        <div class="search-button"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-search"></i> </div>
    <table class="hide" id="enrolment-table">
                <th>Further details</th>

                <td>Primary Education with QTS X100 B.Ed (Hons)</td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/B.Ed-(Hons)-Primary-Education-with-QTS.pdf">B.Ed (Hons) Primary Education with QTS (2017-18)</a></p>
                <td>3D Animation W624 BA (Hons)</td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule:&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-3D-Animation-S1---(W624).pdf">BA (Hons) 3D Animation W624 17-18</a></p>
                <td>Accounting &amp; Finance (N400) BA (Hons)</td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Accounting-&amp;-Finance-(N400)-17-18.pdf">BA (Hons) Accounting &amp; Finance (N400) 17-18</a></p>
                <td>Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year N401 BA (Hons)</td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Accounting-and-Finance-with-Foundation-Year-N401-17-18.pdf">BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year N401 17-18</a></p>
                <td>Animation W615 BA (Hons) </td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule:&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Animation-S1---(W615).pdf">BA (Hons) Animation W615 17-18</a></p>
                <td>Applied Social Work L510 BA (Hons)</td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedules:&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Applied-Social-Work-(L510).pdf">BA (Hons) Applied Social Work L510 17-18</a></p>
                <td>Banking and Finance (Top-up) BA (Hons) </td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule</p>
                    <p><a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Banking-and-Finance-Top-up.pdf">BA (Hons) Banking and Finance Top up 17-18</a></p>
                <td>Business Accounting and Finance (N473) BA (Hons)</td>
                    <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Business-Accounting-and-Finance-(N473)-17-18.pdf">BA (Hons) Business Accounting and Finance (N473) 17-18</a></p>
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Here’s where your journey starts' } %}
    {% block content %}
        <p>The pathways have been used to develop an indicator that measures how connected to nature a person is. It’s hoped that this indicator will be adopted by national policy makers as a way of measuring the effects of interventions. The University led this work, alongside The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Natural England, RSPB, and Historic England.</p>
        <p>The University led this work, alongside The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Natural England, RSPB, and Historic England.</p>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

<section class="text-block">
  <h3>Induction Schedule</h3>
  <p>Please use the search facility below to find the induction schedule for your course.</p>
    <div class="search-input-group search-input-group-outline search-input-group-enrolment">
      <input type="text" class="search-input" name="q" placeholder="eg Fine Art BA (Hons)" id="interview-search">
      <div class="search-button"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-search"></i> </div>
  <table class="hide" id="enrolment-table">
      <th>Further details</th>

      <td>Primary Education with QTS X100 B.Ed (Hons)</td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/B.Ed-(Hons)-Primary-Education-with-QTS.pdf">B.Ed (Hons) Primary Education with QTS (2017-18)</a></p>
      <td >3D Animation W624 BA (Hons)</td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule:&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-3D-Animation-S1---(W624).pdf">BA (Hons) 3D Animation W624 17-18</a></p>
      <td >Accounting &amp; Finance (N400) BA (Hons)</td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Accounting-&amp;-Finance-(N400)-17-18.pdf">BA (Hons) Accounting &amp; Finance (N400) 17-18</a></p>
      <td >Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year N401 BA (Hons)</td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Accounting-and-Finance-with-Foundation-Year-N401-17-18.pdf">BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year N401 17-18</a></p>
      <td >Animation W615 BA (Hons) </td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule:&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Animation-S1---(W615).pdf">BA (Hons) Animation W615 17-18</a></p>
      <td>Applied Social Work L510 BA (Hons)</td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedules:&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Applied-Social-Work-(L510).pdf">BA (Hons) Applied Social Work L510 17-18</a></p>
      <td >Banking and Finance (Top-up) BA (Hons) </td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule</p><p><a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Banking-and-Finance-Top-up.pdf">BA (Hons) Banking and Finance Top up 17-18</a></p>
      <td >Business Accounting and Finance (N473) BA (Hons)</td>
        <p>Please find your programme induction schedule&nbsp;<a href="/media/derbyacuk/contentassets/documents/enrolment/arrivalinfo/BA-(Hons)-Business-Accounting-and-Finance-(N473)-17-18.pdf">BA (Hons) Business Accounting and Finance (N473) 17-18</a></p>
/* No context defined for this component. */
  • Content:
    import Fuse from 'fuse.js'
    var list = $("#enrolment-table > tbody").first().find('tr');
    var data = [];
    var position = 0;
    var searchThreshold = 3;
    		var course = $(this).find('td').first().text();
            var tmpData = {};
            tmpData.course = course;
            tmpData.position = position;
    var options = {
      shouldSort: true,
      threshold: 0.3,
      location: 0,
      distance: 100,
      maxPatternLength: 32,
      minMatchCharLength: 2,
        keys: [
    function restripeTable(target) {
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          if (index % 2) {
            $(item).css({"background-color" : "#eee"});
          } else {
            $(item).css({"background-color" : "#fff"});
    var fuse = new Fuse(data, options); // "list" is the item array
    $('[name="q"]').on('keyup', function(){
        if ($(this).val().length >= searchThreshold) {
            var results = fuse.search($(this).val());
            for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
                var result = results[i];
                var target = $(list)[result.position];
  • URL: /components/raw/enrolment/enrolment.js
  • Filesystem Path: components/components/enrolment/enrolment.js
  • Size: 1.3 KB
  • Content:
    .search-input-group.search-input-group-enrolment {
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    	.search-button {
    		background-color: #fff;
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    		cursor: auto;
  • URL: /components/raw/enrolment/enrolment.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/components/enrolment/enrolment.scss
  • Size: 170 Bytes

There are no notes for this item.