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"title": "Postgraduate",
"description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying Nick to write more text",
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"title": "Book your Open Day",
"description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
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"description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying Nick to write more text",
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"title": "Accomodation",
"description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
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"description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
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"description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
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"title": "Academic research",
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"caseStudies": [
"title": "Satisfaction, happiness and our connection to nature",
"description": "See our latest studies into how a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels",
"href": "#"
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"title": "Book your Open Day",
"description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
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"description": "We want to connect your organisation to our talent. Our students and graduates can provide you with new ideas and energy.",
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"title": "Research and Expertise",
"description": "We are experts in applied research with a practical, business focus and can help you with project development.",
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"description": "Join our growing network of high-quality corporate and academic partners.",
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"title": "Art and Design Mphil or PhD",
"href": "#"
"title": "Art Therapy MA",
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"title": "An introduction to Art Therapy Supervision",
"href": "#"
"title": "Creative Art and Design Practice (FdA)",
"href": "#"
"title": "Arts Therapies Theory and Research in Relation to Practice One",
"href": "#"
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"featuredContent": "<p>Many studies have shown that a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering anxiety levels.</p><p>Now DEFRA (Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) has made re-connecting people with nature a key theme in its new 25-year plan; a document that our researchers contributed to.</p>",
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