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L20.85,66.114 L17.55,66.114 L17.55,65.767 C18.38,65.664 18.518,65.594 18.518,64.949 L18.518,59.179 C18.518,58.534 18.381,58.465 17.55,58.362 L17.55,58.015 L20.85,58.015 L20.85,58.362 C20.018,58.465 19.88,58.534 19.88,59.18 L19.88,64.95 Z M27.967,59.33 C28.037,59.157 28.083,59.007 28.083,58.87 C28.083,58.524 27.83,58.396 27.08,58.362 L27.08,58.015 L29.386,58.015 L29.386,58.362 C29.064,58.419 28.832,58.478 28.705,58.788 L25.742,66.206 L25.419,66.206 L22.143,58.788 C22.003,58.478 21.783,58.419 21.462,58.362 L21.462,58.015 L24.692,58.015 L24.692,58.362 C23.93,58.396 23.7,58.511 23.7,58.87 C23.7,58.997 23.734,59.134 23.815,59.33 L26.03,64.314 L27.967,59.33 Z M30,65.767 C30.831,65.664 30.97,65.594 30.97,64.949 L30.97,59.179 C30.97,58.534 30.831,58.465 30,58.362 L30,58.015 L36.16,58.015 L36.217,60.012 L35.941,60.012 C35.399,58.765 35.041,58.432 34.187,58.432 L32.33,58.432 L32.33,61.719 L33.99,61.719 C34.497,61.719 34.682,61.384 34.797,60.669 L35.156,60.669 L35.156,63.195 L34.797,63.195 C34.682,62.481 34.497,62.157 33.991,62.157 L32.33,62.157 L32.33,64.914 C32.33,65.537 32.652,65.698 33.414,65.698 L34.313,65.698 C35.19,65.698 35.559,65.214 36.297,63.934 L36.632,63.934 L36.273,66.114 L30,66.114 L30,65.767 Z M39.52,58.441 L39.52,62.181 L40.2,62.181 C41.492,62.181 42.091,61.465 42.091,60.241 C42.091,59.225 41.48,58.441 40.165,58.441 L39.519,58.441 L39.52,58.441 Z M39.52,64.949 C39.52,65.594 39.657,65.664 40.488,65.767 L40.488,66.114 L37.188,66.114 L37.188,65.767 C38.019,65.664 38.158,65.594 38.158,64.949 L38.158,59.179 C38.158,58.534 38.019,58.465 37.188,58.362 L37.188,58.015 L40.534,58.015 C42.482,58.015 43.51,58.925 43.51,60.241 C43.51,61.546 42.403,62.215 41.538,62.4 L43.371,64.799 C43.901,65.513 44.248,65.745 44.871,65.767 L44.871,66.114 L42.933,66.114 C42.599,65.882 42.322,65.525 41.976,65.041 L40.222,62.608 L39.519,62.608 L39.519,64.949 L39.52,64.949 Z M45.474,65.48 L45.392,63.507 L45.795,63.507 C46.061,64.949 46.788,65.813 47.954,65.813 C48.968,65.813 49.581,65.237 49.581,64.396 C49.581,63.483 49.073,63.126 47.619,62.549 C46.361,62.054 45.474,61.5 45.474,60.149 C45.474,58.858 46.452,57.899 48.01,57.899 C48.946,57.899 49.788,58.155 50.365,58.569 L50.365,60.289 L49.984,60.289 C49.799,59.007 49.119,58.314 48.01,58.314 C47.145,58.314 46.627,58.858 46.627,59.62 C46.627,60.473 47.042,60.808 48.31,61.304 C49.869,61.927 50.746,62.514 50.746,63.876 C50.746,65.398 49.475,66.229 47.954,66.229 C46.891,66.229 45.98,65.906 45.474,65.479 L45.474,65.48 Z M53.607,64.95 C53.607,65.594 53.746,65.664 54.575,65.767 L54.575,66.114 L51.277,66.114 L51.277,65.767 C52.108,65.664 52.246,65.594 52.246,64.949 L52.246,59.179 C52.246,58.534 52.108,58.465 51.277,58.362 L51.277,58.015 L54.575,58.015 L54.575,58.362 C53.745,58.465 53.607,58.534 53.607,59.18 L53.607,64.95 Z M62.363,58.015 L62.536,60.542 L62.236,60.542 C61.544,58.88 61.29,58.396 60.333,58.396 L59.595,58.396 L59.595,64.983 C59.595,65.628 59.895,65.663 60.679,65.767 L60.679,66.114 L57.15,66.114 L57.15,65.767 C57.946,65.664 58.246,65.628 58.246,64.983 L58.246,58.396 L57.496,58.396 C56.539,58.396 56.285,58.88 55.604,60.542 L55.293,60.542 L55.466,58.015 L62.363,58.015 Z M67.28,64.983 C67.28,65.628 67.58,65.663 68.363,65.767 L68.363,66.114 L64.893,66.114 L64.893,65.767 C65.676,65.664 65.988,65.628 65.988,64.983 L65.988,62.918 L63.668,58.788 C63.496,58.488 63.311,58.419 62.989,58.362 L62.989,58.015 L66.172,58.015 L66.172,58.362 C65.422,58.384 65.204,58.487 65.204,58.788 C65.204,58.985 65.295,59.148 65.422,59.366 L67.107,62.318 L68.732,59.389 C68.827,59.203 68.94,58.974 68.94,58.779 C68.94,58.479 68.71,58.384 67.972,58.362 L67.972,58.015 L70.266,58.015 L70.266,58.362 C69.955,58.419 69.748,58.511 69.586,58.788 L67.28,62.908 L67.28,64.983 Z M79.903,62.1 C79.903,60.241 79.198,58.328 77.607,58.328 C76.142,58.328 75.404,60.058 75.404,62.031 C75.404,63.888 76.119,65.803 77.71,65.803 C79.164,65.803 79.903,64.073 79.903,62.1 Z M73.939,62.227 C73.939,59.586 75.589,57.9 77.71,57.9 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                                                            <div class="h6">Satisfaction, happiness and our connection to nature</div>
                                                            <p>See our latest studies into how a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels</p>
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                    <h1><strong>Product Design</strong><br/>BA (Hons)</h1>
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                            With an emphasis on industrial design and the relationship between people and products, this course is where art meets science to make better, more attractive products.
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Study option</p>
                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                        Full-time / 3 years / ÂŁ9,250 per year<br />Part-time / up to 6 years / ÂŁ1,155 per module
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">UCAS points</p>
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Qualification</p>
                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                        BSc (Hons) degree
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Location</p>
                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                        Kedleston Road site, Derby Campus

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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-option-p">This course is available as a Joint Honours degree.</p>
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        <p>The pathways have been used to develop an indicator that measures how connected to nature a person is. It’s hoped that this indicator will be adopted by national policy makers as a way of measuring the effects of interventions. The University
            led this work, alongside The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Natural England, RSPB, and Historic England.</p>
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                alt="Designer chairs" />
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                alt="Creative drawing" />
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            <h2 id="what-will-you-study" class="accordion-title">What will you study</h2>
            <p class="accordion-intro">You'll focus developing your creativity and practical skills that employers tell us they want from graduates. You'll study a total of 120 credits per year. This will be made up of single or double modules.</p>
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                            You’ll study modules such as:
                                <li>Making it: Materials and Manufacturing Processes</li>
                                <li>Product Design Studies</li>
                                <li>Computer Aided Product Design</li>
                                <li>Design Evaluation</li>
                                <li>Context: Being a Product Designer</li>

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                            <p>Product Design at Derby is aimed at creative people who may have studied Art and Design or Design Technology at school or developed a passion for the subject since leaving formal education. We will help you to
                                <strong>build on your creativity</strong> and develop an understanding of the
                                <em>reality of design</em> for manufacture.
                                <a href="https://www.example.org">This is a link.</a> because we teach in small groups we can help you to develop your potential as an individual and support your enthusiasm for design.</p>

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                            <p>Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS or you can apply directly to the University for an undergraduate course if you’re not applying to any other UK university in the same year.</p>
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                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-label">Introduction to Biological Psychology</div>
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                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-label">Introduction to Biological Psychology</div>
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                    <div class="module-list-menu-item-details">
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-label">Introduction to Biological Psychology</div>
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                <div class="h3 module-list-menu-heading optional">Optional Modules</div>

                <a href="#module2-2" class="module-list-menu-item">
                    <div class="module-list-menu-item-details">
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-label">Introduction to Biological Psychology</div>
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>

            <div class="module-list-menu" id="stage-3">
                <div class="h3 module-list-menu-heading">Core Modules</div>
                <a href="#module3-1" class="module-list-menu-item">
                    <div class="module-list-menu-item-details">
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-label">Introduction to Biological Psychology</div>
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                <div class="h3 module-list-menu-heading optional">Optional Modules</div>

                <a href="#module3-2" class="module-list-menu-item">
                    <div class="module-list-menu-item-details">
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-label">Introduction to Biological Psychology</div>
                        <div class="module-list-menu-item-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>

        <div class="module-list-module-column">

            <div class="module-list-module" id="module1-1">
                <div class="module-list-backdrop module-list-pattern module-list-pattern-zigzag module-list-pattern-turquoise">
                    <div class="module-list-module-details">
                        <div class="module-list-module-back-link">
                            <a href="#" class="module-list-module-back back-link">
                                <div class="module-list-module-back-details">
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-label">Back to Module List</div>
                        <p class="module-list-module-details-code">Code: 4PS507</p>

                        <div class="module-details-scroll-wrapper">
                            <h3 class="h3 module-list-module-details-title">Introduction to Biological Psychology</h3>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-abstract">
                                <p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such
                                    as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain
                                    function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-full">
                                <p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p>
                                    <li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li>
                                <p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p>
                                    <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li>
                                    <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li>
                                    <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li>
                                    <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li>
                                    <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li>
                                    <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li>
                                    <li>Comparative psychology</li>
                                    <li>Hormones and behaviour</li>
                            <div class="image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow-animate image-hero-white" role="presentation"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-down-arrow"></i></div>

                        <div class="module-list-module-details-tags">
                            <div class="tags-first-row">
                                <a href="#" class="module-expand" title="More information about Introduction to Biological Psychology">More information</a>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-credits">20 Credits</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-core">Core</div>
                            <div class="tags-second-row">
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Exam</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Practical</div>

                    <div class="module-list-pattern-background" role="presentation"></div>
            <div class="module-list-module" id="module1-2">
                <div class="module-list-backdrop module-list-pattern module-list-pattern-zigzag module-list-pattern-turquoise">
                    <div class="module-list-module-details">
                        <div class="module-list-module-back-link">
                            <a href="#" class="module-list-module-back back-link">
                                <div class="module-list-module-back-details">
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-label">Back to Module List</div>
                        <p class="module-list-module-details-code">Code: 4PS507</p>

                        <div class="module-details-scroll-wrapper">
                            <h3 class="h3 module-list-module-details-title">Introduction to Biological Psychology</h3>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-abstract">
                                <p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such
                                    as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain
                                    function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-full">
                                <p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p>
                                    <li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li>
                                <p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p>
                                    <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li>
                                    <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li>
                                    <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li>
                                    <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li>
                                    <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li>
                                    <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li>
                                    <li>Comparative psychology</li>
                                    <li>Hormones and behaviour</li>
                            <div class="image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow-animate image-hero-white" role="presentation"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-down-arrow"></i></div>

                        <div class="module-list-module-details-tags">
                            <div class="tags-first-row">
                                <a href="#" class="module-expand" title="More information about Introduction to Biological Psychology">More information</a>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-credits">20 Credits</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-optional">Optional</div>
                            <div class="tags-second-row">
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Exam</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Practical</div>

                    <div class="module-list-pattern-background" role="presentation"></div>
            <div class="module-list-module" id="module2-1">
                <div class="module-list-backdrop module-list-pattern module-list-pattern-zigzag module-list-pattern-turquoise">
                    <div class="module-list-module-details">
                        <div class="module-list-module-back-link">
                            <a href="#" class="module-list-module-back back-link">
                                <div class="module-list-module-back-details">
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-label">Back to Module List</div>
                        <p class="module-list-module-details-code">Code: 4PS507</p>

                        <div class="module-details-scroll-wrapper">
                            <h3 class="h3 module-list-module-details-title">Introduction to Biological Psychology</h3>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-abstract">
                                <p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such
                                    as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain
                                    function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-full">
                                <p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p>
                                    <li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li>
                                <p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p>
                                    <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li>
                                    <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li>
                                    <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li>
                                    <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li>
                                    <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li>
                                    <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li>
                                    <li>Comparative psychology</li>
                                    <li>Hormones and behaviour</li>
                            <div class="image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow-animate image-hero-white" role="presentation"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-down-arrow"></i></div>

                        <div class="module-list-module-details-tags">
                            <div class="tags-first-row">
                                <a href="#" class="module-expand" title="More information about Introduction to Biological Psychology">More information</a>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-credits">20 Credits</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-core">Core</div>
                            <div class="tags-second-row">
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Exam</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Practical</div>

                    <div class="module-list-pattern-background" role="presentation"></div>
            <div class="module-list-module" id="module2-2">
                <div class="module-list-backdrop module-list-pattern module-list-pattern-zigzag module-list-pattern-turquoise">
                    <div class="module-list-module-details">
                        <div class="module-list-module-back-link">
                            <a href="#" class="module-list-module-back back-link">
                                <div class="module-list-module-back-details">
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-label">Back to Module List</div>
                        <p class="module-list-module-details-code">Code: 4PS507</p>

                        <div class="module-details-scroll-wrapper">
                            <h3 class="h3 module-list-module-details-title">Introduction to Biological Psychology</h3>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-abstract">
                                <p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such
                                    as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain
                                    function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-full">
                                <p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p>
                                    <li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li>
                                <p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p>
                                    <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li>
                                    <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li>
                                    <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li>
                                    <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li>
                                    <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li>
                                    <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li>
                                    <li>Comparative psychology</li>
                                    <li>Hormones and behaviour</li>
                            <div class="image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow-animate image-hero-white" role="presentation"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-down-arrow"></i></div>

                        <div class="module-list-module-details-tags">
                            <div class="tags-first-row">
                                <a href="#" class="module-expand" title="More information about Introduction to Biological Psychology">More information</a>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-credits">20 Credits</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-optional">Optional</div>
                            <div class="tags-second-row">
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Exam</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Practical</div>

                    <div class="module-list-pattern-background" role="presentation"></div>
            <div class="module-list-module" id="module3-1">
                <div class="module-list-backdrop module-list-pattern module-list-pattern-zigzag module-list-pattern-turquoise">
                    <div class="module-list-module-details">
                        <div class="module-list-module-back-link">
                            <a href="#" class="module-list-module-back back-link">
                                <div class="module-list-module-back-details">
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-label">Back to Module List</div>
                        <p class="module-list-module-details-code">Code: 4PS507</p>

                        <div class="module-details-scroll-wrapper">
                            <h3 class="h3 module-list-module-details-title">Introduction to Biological Psychology</h3>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-abstract">foo</div>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-full">
                                <p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p>
                                    <li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li>
                                <p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p>
                                    <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li>
                                    <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li>
                                    <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li>
                                    <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li>
                                    <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li>
                                    <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li>
                                    <li>Comparative psychology</li>
                                    <li>Hormones and behaviour</li>
                            <div class="image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow-animate image-hero-white" role="presentation"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-down-arrow"></i></div>

                        <div class="module-list-module-details-tags">
                            <div class="tags-first-row">
                                <a href="#" class="module-expand" title="More information about Introduction to Biological Psychology">More information</a>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-credits">20 Credits</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-core">Core</div>
                            <div class="tags-second-row">
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Exam</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Practical</div>

                    <div class="module-list-pattern-background" role="presentation"></div>
            <div class="module-list-module" id="module3-2">
                <div class="module-list-backdrop module-list-pattern module-list-pattern-zigzag module-list-pattern-turquoise">
                    <div class="module-list-module-details">
                        <div class="module-list-module-back-link">
                            <a href="#" class="module-list-module-back back-link">
                                <div class="module-list-module-back-details">
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-arrow"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-up-arrow"></i></div>
                                    <div class="module-list-module-back-details-label">Back to Module List</div>
                        <p class="module-list-module-details-code">Code: 4PS507</p>

                        <div class="module-details-scroll-wrapper">
                            <h3 class="h3 module-list-module-details-title">Introduction to Biological Psychology</h3>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-abstract">
                                <p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such
                                    as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain
                                    function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>
                            <div class="module-list-module-details-full">
                                <p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p>
                                    <li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li>
                                <p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p>
                                    <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li>
                                    <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li>
                                    <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li>
                                    <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li>
                                    <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li>
                                    <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li>
                                    <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li>
                                    <li>Comparative psychology</li>
                                    <li>Hormones and behaviour</li>
                            <div class="image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow image-hero-scroll-to-content-arrow-animate image-hero-white" role="presentation"><i class="uod-icons uod-icons-down-arrow"></i></div>

                        <div class="module-list-module-details-tags">
                            <div class="tags-first-row">
                                <a href="#" class="module-expand" title="More information about Introduction to Biological Psychology">More information</a>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-credits">20 Credits</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-optional">Optional</div>
                            <div class="tags-second-row">
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Exam</div>
                                <div class="module-list-module-details-tag module-list-module-details-tag-type">Practical</div>

                    <div class="module-list-pattern-background" role="presentation"></div>
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         * Hide the tabs bar if we only have one stage in a course
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        Reset the modules and unclick the left hand menu when the screen is rotated
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            /* Reset the height of the scroll wrapper, then use the height of the inner module container to work out how much space we have left over, then we reset the height of the scroll container to fill the space. */
            moduleDetails.style.maxHeight = "0px";
            moduleDetails.style.overflow = "scroll";
            moduleNewCoords = offset(module.getElementsByClassName("module-list-backdrop")[0]);
            moduleDetails.style.maxHeight = window.innerHeight - moduleNewCoords.height + "px";
            moduleNewCoords = offset(module.getElementsByClassName("module-list-backdrop")[0]);
         * addClass - given an element and a class, add that class to the element's class list.
         * @param {object} elem  An html node
         * @param {string} class The class to be addded
        function addClass(elem, className) {
            var hasClass = false;
            if (!elem.classList.contains(className)) {
            return true

        function toggleClass(elem, className) {
            var hasClass = false;
            for (let i = 0; i < elem.classList.length; i++) {
                if (elem.classList[i] === className) {
                    hasClass = true;
            if (!elem.classList.contains(className)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
         * removeClass - given an element and a class, remove that class from the element's class list.
         * Done this way to be compatible with IE9
         * @param {object} elem  An html node
         * @param {string} class The class to be removed
        function removeClass(elem, className) {
            if (elem.classList.contains(className)) {
            } else {
                return false
            return true
         * offset - get the position and height of an element.
         * @param  element el A DOM node
         * @return Object    An object containing position data for the passed element.
        function offset(el) {
            var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(),
                scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
                scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
            return {
                top: rect.top + scrollTop,
                left: rect.left + scrollLeft,
                height: rect.height,
                width: rect.width
         * findAncestor - given a DOM node traverse up the DOM tree until we find the matching element
         * @param  {Object} el  The DOM object to begin the traversal from
         * @param  {String} cls The class of the DOM node that we're looking for
         * @return {Object}     The DOM Node we're searching for
        function findAncestor(el, cls) {
            while ((el = el.parentElement) && !el.classList.contains(cls));
            return el;
         * use the is-mobile-layout div size to determine if the mobile
         * media query is currently active. This resolves to either 1 or 0 so
         * is a truthy/falsy value
         * @return int the offset height of the is-mobile-layout div.
        function isMobileLayout() {
            return document.getElementById("is-mobile-layout").offsetHeight;
         * whichTransitionEvent - detect when a transition event has completed
         * @return {[type]} [description]
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                'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd'
            for (t in transitions) {
                if (el.style[t] !== undefined) {
                    return transitions[t];
         * whichTransitionEvent - detect when a transition event has completed
         * @return {[type]} [description]
        function whichAnimationEvent() {
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            var el = document.createElement('fakeelement');
            var animations = {
                'animation': 'animationend',
                'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd',
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                'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd'
            for (a in animations) {
                if (el.style[a] !== undefined) {
                    return animations[a];
         * isIOS - determine if the user is using an IOS device so we know to
         * resize the full-screen modal when the window furniture changes
         * position.
         * @return {Boolean} True if IOS or false if not.
        function isIOS() {
            var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
            var iOS = !!ua.match(/iPhone/i);
            var webkit = !!ua.match(/WebKit/i);
            return iOS && webkit && !ua.match(/CriOS/i);
         * doIosModuleResize - resize the module column. This is specifically for IOS
         * devices where the window may change size once the modal has been opened.
         * @return {boolean} Just for completeness returns true if the module is resized or false if not
        function doIosModuleResize() {
            let activeModule = document.querySelectorAll(".module-list-module.active");
            if (activeModule.length) {
                return true;
            return false;
    <section class="text-block text-block-course-page-heading" role="region" aria-labelledby="how-will-you-learn?">
        <h2 id="how-will-you-learn">How will you learn?</h2>
    <section class="text-block" role="region">
            Your lecturers have real world experience as designers working for manufacturing companies and as consultants, so you'll benefit from their expertise. You'll learn through practical studio-based project work with formal lectures, seminars and debates
            to give you a good theoretical knowledge. You'll put your learning into context through industry learning opportunities, live project work, competitions, teamwork, cultural field study visits and visiting speakers.
        <h4>Teaching hours</h4>
            Like most universities, we operate extended teaching hours at the University of Derby, so contact time with your lecturers and tutors could be anytime between 9am and 9pm. Your timetable will be communicated after enrolment on your course.
    <section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="entry-requirements">
        <h2 id="entry-requirements">Entry requirements</h2>
            Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS or you can apply directly to the University for an undergraduate course if you're not applying to an other UK university in the same year.
        <h4>September 2017 typical entry requirements</h4>
                    <td>UCAS points</td>
                    <td>96-112 (up to 16 from AS-levels)</td>
                    <td>Specific requirements at A-level</td>
                    <td>At least a C in an Art and Design or Design Technology subject at A-level (or equivalent qualification)</td>
                    <td>Specific requirements at GCSE</td>
                    <td>Five GCSEs at or above Grade C (or Grade 4), including Maths and English</td>
                    <td>Interview / Audition</td>
                    <td>Yes - see interview details</td>
                    <td>Yes - please see below</td>
    <div class="text-block">

        <div class="text-block">'
            <section class="unistats">
                <h2 id="unistats">Unistats</h2>

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                                    Part time
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                                        <p><iframe id="unistats-widget-frame" title="Unistats KIS Widget" src="about:blank" scrolling="no" data-index="1" data-course="G1203" data-mode="Part time" class="unistats-widget"></iframe></p>

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                                    Full time with industrial year
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            <h2 id="how-to-apply" class="accordion-title">How to apply</h2>
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                            <p>Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS or you can apply directly to the University for an undergraduate course if you’re not applying to any other UK university in the same year.</p>
                                <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply through UCAS<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
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            Apply directly to the University<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>

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                            International students
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                        <div class="accordion-tab-content-inner">
                            <p>Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS or you can apply directly to the University for an undergraduate course if you’re not applying to any other UK university in the same year.</p>
                                <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply through UCAS<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
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            Apply directly to the University<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>


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    <section class="text-block text-block-course-page-heading" role="region" aria-labelledby="careers">
        <h2 id="careers">Careers</h2>
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            <a class="media-embed-a" data-attr-iframe-max-width="" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TBFQNP-YY4">
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    <section class="text-block" role="region">
            You can go on an optional work placement between stages two and three, which is a fantastic opportunity to gain some real experience of working in the industry. You'll also gain an additional qualification - the Diploma in Professional Practice.
    <section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="contact-details">
        <h2 id="contact-details">Contact details</h2>
                    <td><strong>Course Leader</strong></td>
                    <td><a href="#">Terry Watson</a></td>
                    <td><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></td>
                    <td><strong>Course Leader</strong></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 593140">01332 593140</a></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 591167">01332 591167</a></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 591698">01332 591698</a></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 593302">01332 593302</a></td>
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            <path d="M17.694,22.492 C16.633,22.492 15.521,23.068 14.377,24.221 L0.987,37.703 L34.413,37.703 L21.028,24.22 C20.245,23.428 19.03,22.49 17.694,22.49 L17.694,22.492 Z M0.984,0.284 L0.984,29.852 L10.479,20.295 C13.237,17.519 15.927,16.938 17.694,16.938 C20.251,16.938 22.752,18.097 24.93,20.295 L25.57,20.94 L31.724,14.744 C34.482,11.971 37.172,11.384 38.942,11.384 C41.496,11.387 43.999,12.549 46.176,14.744 L46.817,15.389 L52.971,9.189 C55.726,6.417 58.417,5.833 60.189,5.833 C62.744,5.836 65.249,6.994 67.424,9.19 L87.876,29.79 L87.876,0.284 L0.985,0.284 L0.984,0.284 Z M61.174,37.703 C54.28,30.753 42.278,18.67 42.278,18.67 C41.494,17.875 40.281,16.938 38.94,16.938 C37.883,16.938 36.766,17.519 35.626,18.67 L29.466,24.869 L42.216,37.703 L61.176,37.703 L61.174,37.703 Z M0.985,49.264 L87.877,49.264 L87.877,43.253 L0.985,43.253 L0.985,49.264 Z M60.19,11.384 C59.131,11.384 58.012,11.971 56.874,13.118 L50.717,19.318 L68.975,37.703 L87.877,37.703 L87.877,37.636 L63.523,13.116 C62.743,12.321 61.527,11.386 60.19,11.384 Z M2.33,63.23 C2.33,64.684 3.01,65.549 4.268,65.549 C5.675,65.549 6.576,64.844 6.576,63.149 L6.576,59.193 C6.576,58.546 6.413,58.455 5.456,58.362 L5.456,58.015 L8.074,58.015 L8.074,58.362 C7.244,58.465 7.094,58.546 7.094,59.192 L7.094,63.356 C7.094,65.306 5.78,66.229 4.129,66.229 C2.191,66.229 0.98,65.307 0.98,63.322 L0.98,59.18 C0.98,58.534 0.831,58.465 0,58.362 L0,58.015 L3.31,58.015 L3.31,58.362 C2.468,58.465 2.33,58.534 2.33,59.18 L2.33,63.23 Z M15.298,59.193 C15.298,58.546 15.114,58.455 14.155,58.362 L14.155,58.015 L16.798,58.015 L16.798,58.362 C15.955,58.465 15.816,58.546 15.816,59.192 L15.816,66.148 L15.401,66.148 L10.27,59.596 L10.27,64.937 C10.27,65.583 10.453,65.676 11.41,65.767 L11.41,66.114 L8.769,66.114 L8.769,65.767 C9.612,65.664 9.751,65.583 9.751,64.937 L9.751,59.077 C9.37,58.568 9.208,58.396 8.759,58.362 L8.759,58.015 L10.8,58.015 L15.298,63.818 L15.298,59.193 Z M19.88,64.95 C19.88,65.594 20.018,65.664 20.85,65.767 L20.85,66.114 L17.55,66.114 L17.55,65.767 C18.38,65.664 18.518,65.594 18.518,64.949 L18.518,59.179 C18.518,58.534 18.381,58.465 17.55,58.362 L17.55,58.015 L20.85,58.015 L20.85,58.362 C20.018,58.465 19.88,58.534 19.88,59.18 L19.88,64.95 Z M27.967,59.33 C28.037,59.157 28.083,59.007 28.083,58.87 C28.083,58.524 27.83,58.396 27.08,58.362 L27.08,58.015 L29.386,58.015 L29.386,58.362 C29.064,58.419 28.832,58.478 28.705,58.788 L25.742,66.206 L25.419,66.206 L22.143,58.788 C22.003,58.478 21.783,58.419 21.462,58.362 L21.462,58.015 L24.692,58.015 L24.692,58.362 C23.93,58.396 23.7,58.511 23.7,58.87 C23.7,58.997 23.734,59.134 23.815,59.33 L26.03,64.314 L27.967,59.33 Z M30,65.767 C30.831,65.664 30.97,65.594 30.97,64.949 L30.97,59.179 C30.97,58.534 30.831,58.465 30,58.362 L30,58.015 L36.16,58.015 L36.217,60.012 L35.941,60.012 C35.399,58.765 35.041,58.432 34.187,58.432 L32.33,58.432 L32.33,61.719 L33.99,61.719 C34.497,61.719 34.682,61.384 34.797,60.669 L35.156,60.669 L35.156,63.195 L34.797,63.195 C34.682,62.481 34.497,62.157 33.991,62.157 L32.33,62.157 L32.33,64.914 C32.33,65.537 32.652,65.698 33.414,65.698 L34.313,65.698 C35.19,65.698 35.559,65.214 36.297,63.934 L36.632,63.934 L36.273,66.114 L30,66.114 L30,65.767 Z M39.52,58.441 L39.52,62.181 L40.2,62.181 C41.492,62.181 42.091,61.465 42.091,60.241 C42.091,59.225 41.48,58.441 40.165,58.441 L39.519,58.441 L39.52,58.441 Z M39.52,64.949 C39.52,65.594 39.657,65.664 40.488,65.767 L40.488,66.114 L37.188,66.114 L37.188,65.767 C38.019,65.664 38.158,65.594 38.158,64.949 L38.158,59.179 C38.158,58.534 38.019,58.465 37.188,58.362 L37.188,58.015 L40.534,58.015 C42.482,58.015 43.51,58.925 43.51,60.241 C43.51,61.546 42.403,62.215 41.538,62.4 L43.371,64.799 C43.901,65.513 44.248,65.745 44.871,65.767 L44.871,66.114 L42.933,66.114 C42.599,65.882 42.322,65.525 41.976,65.041 L40.222,62.608 L39.519,62.608 L39.519,64.949 L39.52,64.949 Z M45.474,65.48 L45.392,63.507 L45.795,63.507 C46.061,64.949 46.788,65.813 47.954,65.813 C48.968,65.813 49.581,65.237 49.581,64.396 C49.581,63.483 49.073,63.126 47.619,62.549 C46.361,62.054 45.474,61.5 45.474,60.149 C45.474,58.858 46.452,57.899 48.01,57.899 C48.946,57.899 49.788,58.155 50.365,58.569 L50.365,60.289 L49.984,60.289 C49.799,59.007 49.119,58.314 48.01,58.314 C47.145,58.314 46.627,58.858 46.627,59.62 C46.627,60.473 47.042,60.808 48.31,61.304 C49.869,61.927 50.746,62.514 50.746,63.876 C50.746,65.398 49.475,66.229 47.954,66.229 C46.891,66.229 45.98,65.906 45.474,65.479 L45.474,65.48 Z M53.607,64.95 C53.607,65.594 53.746,65.664 54.575,65.767 L54.575,66.114 L51.277,66.114 L51.277,65.767 C52.108,65.664 52.246,65.594 52.246,64.949 L52.246,59.179 C52.246,58.534 52.108,58.465 51.277,58.362 L51.277,58.015 L54.575,58.015 L54.575,58.362 C53.745,58.465 53.607,58.534 53.607,59.18 L53.607,64.95 Z M62.363,58.015 L62.536,60.542 L62.236,60.542 C61.544,58.88 61.29,58.396 60.333,58.396 L59.595,58.396 L59.595,64.983 C59.595,65.628 59.895,65.663 60.679,65.767 L60.679,66.114 L57.15,66.114 L57.15,65.767 C57.946,65.664 58.246,65.628 58.246,64.983 L58.246,58.396 L57.496,58.396 C56.539,58.396 56.285,58.88 55.604,60.542 L55.293,60.542 L55.466,58.015 L62.363,58.015 Z M67.28,64.983 C67.28,65.628 67.58,65.663 68.363,65.767 L68.363,66.114 L64.893,66.114 L64.893,65.767 C65.676,65.664 65.988,65.628 65.988,64.983 L65.988,62.918 L63.668,58.788 C63.496,58.488 63.311,58.419 62.989,58.362 L62.989,58.015 L66.172,58.015 L66.172,58.362 C65.422,58.384 65.204,58.487 65.204,58.788 C65.204,58.985 65.295,59.148 65.422,59.366 L67.107,62.318 L68.732,59.389 C68.827,59.203 68.94,58.974 68.94,58.779 C68.94,58.479 68.71,58.384 67.972,58.362 L67.972,58.015 L70.266,58.015 L70.266,58.362 C69.955,58.419 69.748,58.511 69.586,58.788 L67.28,62.908 L67.28,64.983 Z M79.903,62.1 C79.903,60.241 79.198,58.328 77.607,58.328 C76.142,58.328 75.404,60.058 75.404,62.031 C75.404,63.888 76.119,65.803 77.71,65.803 C79.164,65.803 79.903,64.073 79.903,62.1 Z M73.939,62.227 C73.939,59.586 75.589,57.9 77.71,57.9 C80.075,57.9 81.379,59.804 81.379,61.904 C81.379,64.544 79.729,66.229 77.607,66.229 C75.242,66.229 73.939,64.326 73.939,62.227 Z"></path>
            <path d="M84.172,64.832 C84.172,65.512 84.472,65.664 85.579,65.745 L85.579,66.114 L81.842,66.114 L81.842,65.767 C82.674,65.664 82.811,65.594 82.811,64.949 L82.811,59.178 C82.811,58.533 82.674,58.464 81.842,58.36 L81.842,58.014 L87.807,58.014 L87.853,60.058 L87.587,60.058 C87.115,58.8 86.687,58.431 85.833,58.431 L84.173,58.431 L84.173,61.822 L85.626,61.822 C86.133,61.822 86.296,61.452 86.41,60.738 L86.756,60.738 L86.756,63.346 L86.41,63.346 C86.295,62.63 86.133,62.26 85.626,62.26 L84.172,62.26 L84.172,64.832 Z M5.76,70.868 L5.76,86.135 C5.76,87.747 6.47,88.075 8.054,88.075 L8.683,88.075 C12.314,88.075 14.964,85.125 14.964,79.608 C14.964,74.938 12.915,70.868 7.671,70.868 L5.76,70.868 Z M0.243,89.058 L0.243,88.238 C2.208,87.994 2.535,87.83 2.535,86.298 L2.535,72.643 C2.535,71.113 2.208,70.951 0.243,70.705 L0.243,69.885 L8.271,69.885 C15.318,69.885 18.431,74.118 18.431,79.008 C18.431,85.399 14.171,89.059 8.708,89.059 L0.244,89.059 L0.243,89.058 Z M18.977,88.238 C20.945,87.994 21.272,87.83 21.272,86.298 L21.272,72.643 C21.272,71.113 20.945,70.951 18.977,70.705 L18.977,69.885 L33.562,69.885 L33.7,74.61 L33.044,74.61 C31.76,71.66 30.914,70.869 28.893,70.869 L24.494,70.869 L24.494,78.654 L28.427,78.654 C29.629,78.654 30.067,77.862 30.339,76.167 L31.187,76.167 L31.187,82.15 L30.339,82.15 C30.066,80.455 29.629,79.691 28.427,79.691 L24.494,79.691 L24.494,86.218 C24.494,87.693 25.259,88.076 27.062,88.076 L29.194,88.076 C31.268,88.076 32.142,86.929 33.89,83.898 L34.683,83.898 L33.837,89.059 L18.977,89.059 L18.977,88.239 L18.977,88.238 Z M41.51,70.896 L41.51,79.746 L43.122,79.746 C46.181,79.746 47.6,78.05 47.6,75.156 C47.6,72.753 46.153,70.896 43.04,70.896 L41.51,70.896 Z M41.51,86.299 C41.51,87.829 41.837,87.994 43.804,88.239 L43.804,89.058 L35.992,89.058 L35.992,88.238 C37.959,87.994 38.287,87.83 38.287,86.298 L38.287,72.643 C38.287,71.113 37.959,70.951 35.992,70.705 L35.992,69.885 L43.913,69.885 C48.53,69.885 50.96,72.044 50.96,75.158 C50.96,78.243 48.338,79.828 46.289,80.264 L50.631,85.945 C51.888,87.639 52.218,88.185 53.693,88.24 L53.693,89.059 L49.593,89.059 C48.801,88.513 48.146,87.665 47.326,86.519 L43.175,80.756 L41.51,80.756 L41.51,86.3 L41.51,86.299 Z M60.52,79.69 L60.52,86.244 C60.52,87.719 61.23,88.074 63.004,88.074 L63.305,88.074 C66.091,88.074 67.402,86.545 67.402,83.897 C67.402,81.465 66.036,79.69 62.814,79.69 L60.519,79.69 L60.52,79.69 Z M60.52,70.868 L60.52,78.653 L62.211,78.653 C65.106,78.653 66.473,77.315 66.473,74.691 C66.473,72.261 64.971,70.868 62.211,70.868 L60.52,70.868 Z M55,89.058 L55,88.238 C56.967,87.994 57.296,87.83 57.296,86.298 L57.296,72.643 C57.296,71.113 56.967,70.951 55.001,70.705 L55.001,69.885 L63.169,69.885 C67.347,69.885 69.696,71.498 69.696,74.638 C69.696,77.398 67.101,78.818 64.535,79.118 C68.139,79.254 70.68,81.002 70.68,83.898 C70.68,87.066 68.221,89.059 63.714,89.059 L55.001,89.059 L55,89.058 Z M80.812,86.381 C80.812,87.911 81.521,87.994 83.378,88.239 L83.378,89.058 L75.158,89.058 L75.158,88.238 C77.015,87.994 77.753,87.911 77.753,86.381 L77.753,81.493 L72.263,71.713 C71.852,71.005 71.416,70.841 70.65,70.703 L70.65,69.884 L78.188,69.884 L78.188,70.704 C76.414,70.758 75.896,71.005 75.896,71.714 C75.896,72.179 76.113,72.561 76.414,73.079 L80.4,80.073 L84.252,73.133 C84.47,72.698 84.744,72.151 84.744,71.687 C84.744,70.978 84.199,70.758 82.449,70.704 L82.449,69.884 L87.885,69.884 L87.885,70.704 C87.147,70.841 86.655,71.06 86.273,71.714 L80.812,81.465 L80.812,86.381 Z"></path>
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{% embed '@course-hero' %}{% endembed %}
<main class="center-align">
{% include '@key-course-details-block' with {
    items: [
            label: 'Study option',
            content: 'Full-time / 3 years / ÂŁ9,250 per year<br />Part-time / up to 6 years / ÂŁ1,155 per module'
            label: 'UCAS points',
            content: '104'
            label: 'UCAS code',
            content: 'C100'
            label: 'Course level',
            content: 'Undergraduate'
            label: 'Qualification',
            content: 'BSc (Hons) degree'
            label: 'Location',
            content: 'Kedleston Road site, Derby Campus'
    jointHonoursUrl: 'https://www.derby.ac.uk/biology-and-zoology-courses/biology-joint-honours/',
} %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Course description', isCoursePageHeading: true } %}
{% endembed %}
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    {% block content %}
        <p>The pathways have been used to develop an indicator that measures how connected to nature a person is. It’s hoped that this indicator will be adopted by national policy makers as a way of measuring the effects of interventions. The University led this work, alongside The Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Natural England, RSPB, and Historic England.</p>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% include '@image-group' with {
    images: [
            path: '/images/image-group-demo/chairs-uod.jpg',
            alt: 'Designer chairs',
            srcset: [
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/chairs-uod,w_320.jpg',
                    width: 320
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/chairs-uod,w_400.jpg',
                    width: 400
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/chairs-uod,w_650.jpg',
                    width: 650
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/chairs-uod,w_900.jpg',
                    width: 900
            path: '/images/image-group-demo/_56A0980.jpg',
            alt: 'Creative drawing',
            srcset: [
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/_56A0980,w_320.jpg',
                    width: 320
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/_56A0980,w_400.jpg',
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                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/_56A0980,w_650.jpg',
                    width: 650
                    path: '/images/image-group-demo/_56A0980,w_900.jpg',
                    width: 900
} %}
{% set year1 %}
    You’ll study modules such as:
        <li>Making it: Materials and Manufacturing Processes</li>
        <li>Product Design Studies</li>
        <li>Computer Aided Product Design</li>
        <li>Design Evaluation</li>
        <li>Context: Being a Product Designer</li>
{% endset %}
{% set year2 %}
    <p>Product Design at Derby is aimed at creative people who may have studied Art and Design or Design Technology
    at school or developed a passion for the subject since leaving formal education. We will help you to
    <strong>build on your creativity</strong> and develop an understanding of the
    <em>reality of design</em> for manufacture.
    <a href="https://www.example.org">This is a link.</a> because we teach in small groups we can help you to develop your potential as an
    individual and support your enthusiasm for design.</p>
{% endset %}
{% set year3 %}
    <p>Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS  or you can apply directly to the University  for an undergraduate course if you’re not applying to any other UK university in the same year.</p>
        <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply through UCAS<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
        <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply directly to the University<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
{% endset %}
<div class="text-block">
    {% set contents = [{
        label: 'Year one',
        tag: 'year-one',
        contentTypeTag: 'forensic-document-analysis',
        expanded: true,
        content: year1,
    }, {
        label: 'Year two',
        tag: 'year-two',
        tag: 'pedagogy',
        content: year2
    }, {
        label: 'Year three',
        tag: 'year-three',
        tag: 'molecular-biology',
        content: year3
    }] %}
    {% include '@accordion' with {
        title: 'What will you study',
        intro: "You'll focus developing your creativity and practical skills that employers tell us they want from graduates. You'll study a total of 120 credits per year. This will be made up of single or double modules.",
        modal: true,
        contents: contents
    } %}
{% set stages = [{
                tab: "Stage 1",
                modules: [
                        title: "Introduction to Biological Psychology",
                        code: "4PS507",
                        abstract: "<p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>",
                        full: "<p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p><ol><li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li><li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li></ol><p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p><ul> <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li> <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li> <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li> <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li> <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li> <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li> <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li> <li>Comparative psychology</li> <li>Hormones and behaviour</li> </ul>",
                        credits: "20",
                        core: true,
                        types: [
                            "Exam", "Practical"
                        title: "Introduction to Biological Psychology",
                        code: "4PS507",
                        abstract: "<p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>",
                        full: "<p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p><ol><li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li><li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li></ol><p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p><ul> <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li> <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li> <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li> <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li> <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li> <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li> <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li> <li>Comparative psychology</li> <li>Hormones and behaviour</li> </ul>",
                        credits: "20",
                        core: false,
                        types: [
                            "Exam", "Practical"
                tab: "Stage 2",
                modules: [
                        title: "Introduction to Biological Psychology",
                        code: "4PS507",
                        abstract: "<p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>",
                        full: "<p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p><ol><li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li><li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li></ol><p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p><ul> <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li> <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li> <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li> <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li> <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li> <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li> <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li> <li>Comparative psychology</li> <li>Hormones and behaviour</li> </ul>",
                        credits: "20",
                        core: true,
                        types: [
                            "Exam", "Practical"
                        title: "Introduction to Biological Psychology",
                        code: "4PS507",
                        abstract: "<p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>",
                        full: "<p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p><ol><li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li><li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li></ol><p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p><ul> <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li> <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li> <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li> <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li> <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li> <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li> <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li> <li>Comparative psychology</li> <li>Hormones and behaviour</li> </ul>",
                        credits: "20",
                        core: false,
                        types: [
                            "Exam", "Practical"
                tab: "Stage 3",
                modules: [
                        title: "Introduction to Biological Psychology",
                        code: "4PS507",
                        abstract: "foo",
                        full: "<p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p><ol><li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li><li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li></ol><p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p><ul> <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li> <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li> <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li> <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li> <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li> <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li> <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li> <li>Comparative psychology</li> <li>Hormones and behaviour</li> </ul>",
                        credits: "20",
                        core: true,
                        types: [
                            "Exam", "Practical"
                        title: "Introduction to Biological Psychology",
                        code: "4PS507",
                        abstract: "<p>In this module students will explore how the brain works, including an introduction to the brain, neural structures and neurons. We will investigate the history of biological psychology and consider key questions, such as whether parts of our brains serve specialised functions and if there are individual differences in brain structure, associated with handedness, for example. We will also investigate how our understanding of brain function informs our understanding of selected areas of human and non-human cognition and behaviour.</p>",
                        full: "<p>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:</p><ol><li>Describe the underlying principles of biological psychology</li><li>Explain the relationships between physiological systems and behaviour.</li></ol><p>This module will focus on a number of areas which may include the following:</p><ul> <li>Conceptual and historical issues in biological psychology</li> <li>Biopsychology as a neuroscience</li> <li>Research methods of biopsychology</li> <li>Biological bases of human and non-human behaviour</li> <li>The nervous system, neurons and neuronal conduction</li> <li>Neurotransmitters and behaviour</li> <li>Typical and atypical neuropsychology </li> <li>Comparative psychology</li> <li>Hormones and behaviour</li> </ul>",
                        credits: "20",
                        core: false,
                        types: [
                            "Exam", "Practical"
            ] %}

{% embed '@module-stage-combi' with { stages: stages} %}{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'How will you learn?', id: 'how-will-you-learn', isCoursePageHeading: true } %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' %}
    {% block content %}
            Your lecturers have real world experience as designers working for manufacturing companies and as consultants, so you'll benefit from their expertise.
            You'll learn through practical studio-based project work with formal lectures, seminars and debates to give you a good theoretical knowledge.
            You'll put your learning into context through industry learning opportunities, live project work, competitions, teamwork, cultural field study visits and visiting speakers.
        <h4>Teaching hours</h4>
            Like most universities, we operate extended teaching hours at the University of Derby, so contact time with your lecturers
            and tutors could be anytime between 9am and 9pm. Your timetable will be communicated after enrolment on your course.
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Entry requirements' } %}
    {% block content %}
            Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS or you can apply directly to the University for an undergraduate course if you're not applying to an other UK university in the same year.
        <h4>September 2017 typical entry requirements</h4>
                    <td>UCAS points</td>
                    <td>96-112 (up to 16 from AS-levels)</td>
                    <td>Specific requirements at A-level</td>
                    <td>At least a C in an Art and Design or Design Technology subject at A-level (or equivalent qualification)</td>
                    <td>Specific requirements at GCSE</td>
                    <td>Five GCSEs at or above Grade C (or Grade 4), including Maths and English</td>
                    <td>Interview / Audition</td>
                    <td>Yes - see interview details</td>
                    <td>Yes - please see below</td>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
<div class="text-block">
    {% include '@unistats' with {
        courses: [
                code: 'G1203',
                mode: 'Full time',
                label: 'Full time'
                code: 'G1203',
                mode: 'Part time',
                label: 'Part time'
                code: 'G1203S',
                mode: 'Full time',
                label: 'Full time with industrial year'
        modal: true
    } %}
{% set ukeustudents %}
    <p>Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS  or you can apply directly to the University  for an undergraduate course if you’re not applying to any other UK university in the same year.</p>
        <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply through UCAS<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
        <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply directly to the University<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
{% endset %}
{% set internationalstudents %}
    <p>Full-time students applying in September should apply for this course through UCAS  or you can apply directly to the University  for an undergraduate course if you’re not applying to any other UK university in the same year.</p>
        <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply through UCAS<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
        <a href="#" class="button-outline">
            Apply directly to the University<i class="uod-icons uod-icons-external-link"></i>
{% endset %}
<div class="text-block">
    {% set contents = [{
        label: 'UK/EU students',
        tag: 'uk-eu-students',
        expanded: true,
        content: ukeustudents
    }, {
        label: 'International students',
        tag: 'international-students',
        content: internationalstudents
    }] %}
    {% include '@accordion' with {
        title: 'How to apply',
        modal: true,
        contents: contents
    } %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Careers', isCoursePageHeading: true } %}
{% endembed %}
{% include '@media-embed' with {
    iframe: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TBFQNP-YY4',
    path: 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/7vNS55R5TAc/maxresdefault.jpg',
    type: 'video'
} %}
{% embed '@text-block' %}
    {% block content %}
            You can go on an optional work placement between stages two and three, which is a fantastic opportunity to gain some real experience of working in the industry. You'll also gain an additional qualification - the Diploma in Professional Practice.
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Contact details' } %}
    {% block content %}
                    <td><strong>Course Leader</strong></td>
                    <td><a href="#">Terry Watson</a></td>
                    <td><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></td>
                    <td><strong>Course Leader</strong></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 593140">01332 593140</a></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 591167">01332 591167</a></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 591698">01332 591698</a></td>
                    <td><a href="tel:01332 593302">01332 593302</a></td>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@print-utility'%}{% endembed %}
{% include '@footer' %}
  "callToAction": {
    "href": "#",
    "label": "Book your Open Day"
  "menu": [
    "Course Search",
      "title": "Study",
      "principleMenuItems": [
          "title": "Undergraduate",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Postgraduate",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying Nick to write more text",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Online",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Short courses",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
      "secondaryMenuItems": [
          "label": "Facilities",
          "href": "#"
          "label": "Fees and Finance",
          "href": "#"
          "label": "Student support",
          "href": "#"
          "label": "International",
          "href": "#"
      "actions": [
          "title": "Book your Open Day",
          "description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
          "callToAction": {
            "label": "Book your Open Day",
            "href": "#"
      "title": "Life",
      "principleMenuItems": [
          "title": "Our campuses",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Our city",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying Nick to write more text",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Accomodation",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Clubs and societies",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
      "secondaryMenuItems": [
          "label": "Facilities",
          "href": "#"
          "label": "Fees and Finance",
          "href": "#"
          "label": "Student support",
          "href": "#"
          "label": "International",
          "href": "#"
      "actions": [
          "title": "Book your Open Day",
          "description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
          "callToAction": {
            "label": "Book your Open Day",
            "href": "#"
      "title": "Research",
      "principleMenuItems": [
          "title": "Academic research",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Research degrees",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying Nick to write more text",
          "href": "#"
      "secondaryMenuItems": [],
      "caseStudies": [
          "title": "Satisfaction, happiness and our connection to nature",
          "description": "See our latest studies into how a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels",
          "href": "#"
      "actions": [
          "title": "Book your Open Day",
          "description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
          "callToAction": {
            "label": "Book your Open Day",
            "href": "#"
      "title": "Business Services",
      "principleMenuItems": [
          "title": "Developing People",
          "description": "We can help you fill your skills shortages by developing and empowering your workforce with our flexible work-based learning solutions.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Funding, Services and Support",
          "description": "You can develop your business using our expertise and resources, grants and loans, or free support.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Facilities and Services",
          "description": "We have venues for conferences, meetings and events, plus first-class technological centres and research and development facilities.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Recruiting the Best Talent",
          "description": "We want to connect your organisation to our talent. Our students and graduates can provide you with new ideas and energy.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Research and Expertise",
          "description": "We are experts in applied research with a practical, business focus and can help you with project development.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Partnership Opportunities",
          "description": "Join our growing network of high-quality corporate and academic partners.",
          "href": "#"
      "secondaryMenuItems": [],
      "actions": [
          "title": "Business enquiries",
          "description": "Get in touch with the relevant team to find out how we can make a big difference to your business.",
          "callToAction": {
            "label": "Make an enquiry",
            "href": "#"
  "searchresults": [
      "category": {
        "title": "Courses"
      "results": [
          "title": "Art and Design Mphil or PhD",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Art Therapy MA",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "An introduction to Art Therapy Supervision",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Creative Art and Design Practice (FdA)",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Arts Therapies Theory and Research in Relation to Practice One",
          "href": "#"
  "primaryLinks": [
      "label": "UDO",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Staff",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Library",
      "href": "#"
  "secondaryLinks": [
      "label": "About us",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Find us",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Contact us",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "News",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Events",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Jobs",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Press",
      "href": "#"
  "tertiaryLinks": [
      "label": "Copyright",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Accessibility",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Privacy policy",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Sitemap",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Cookie settings",
      "href": "#"
  "socialLinks": [
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      "icon": "facebook",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Twitter",
      "icon": "twitter",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Instagram",
      "icon": "instagram",
      "href": "#"
      "label": "Youtube",
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      "icon": "flickr",
      "href": "#"
  "accolades": [
      "imageSource": "/images/TEF-Gold-logo-words.svg",
      "label": "Teaching Excellence Framework Gold",
      "href": "#"
  "contentTypeTag": "Undergraduate course",
  "heading": "<strong>Product Design</strong><br/>BA (Hons)",
  "lightFontWeight": true,
  "panelContent": "With an emphasis on industrial design and the relationship between people and products, this course is where art meets science to make better, more attractive products. ",
  "panelCallToAction": [
      "href": "#",
      "label": "Apply"
      "href": "#",
      "label": "Order a prospectus"
      "href": "#contact-details",
      "label": "Contact us"
  "image": {
    "path": "/images/course-hero/course-chair.jpg",
    "label": "Chair"
  "breadcrumbs": {
    "links": [
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  "anchorlinks": {
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    "links": [
        "label": "Course description",
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        "landmark": "what-will-you-study"
        "label": "How will you learn",
        "landmark": "how-will-you-learn"
        "label": "Entry requirements",
        "landmark": "entry-requirements"
        "label": "Unistats",
        "landmark": "unistats"
        "label": "How to apply",
        "landmark": "how-to-apply"
        "label": "Careers",
        "landmark": "careers"

There are no notes for this item.