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L20.85,66.114 L17.55,66.114 L17.55,65.767 C18.38,65.664 18.518,65.594 18.518,64.949 L18.518,59.179 C18.518,58.534 18.381,58.465 17.55,58.362 L17.55,58.015 L20.85,58.015 L20.85,58.362 C20.018,58.465 19.88,58.534 19.88,59.18 L19.88,64.95 Z M27.967,59.33 C28.037,59.157 28.083,59.007 28.083,58.87 C28.083,58.524 27.83,58.396 27.08,58.362 L27.08,58.015 L29.386,58.015 L29.386,58.362 C29.064,58.419 28.832,58.478 28.705,58.788 L25.742,66.206 L25.419,66.206 L22.143,58.788 C22.003,58.478 21.783,58.419 21.462,58.362 L21.462,58.015 L24.692,58.015 L24.692,58.362 C23.93,58.396 23.7,58.511 23.7,58.87 C23.7,58.997 23.734,59.134 23.815,59.33 L26.03,64.314 L27.967,59.33 Z M30,65.767 C30.831,65.664 30.97,65.594 30.97,64.949 L30.97,59.179 C30.97,58.534 30.831,58.465 30,58.362 L30,58.015 L36.16,58.015 L36.217,60.012 L35.941,60.012 C35.399,58.765 35.041,58.432 34.187,58.432 L32.33,58.432 L32.33,61.719 L33.99,61.719 C34.497,61.719 34.682,61.384 34.797,60.669 L35.156,60.669 L35.156,63.195 L34.797,63.195 C34.682,62.481 34.497,62.157 33.991,62.157 L32.33,62.157 L32.33,64.914 C32.33,65.537 32.652,65.698 33.414,65.698 L34.313,65.698 C35.19,65.698 35.559,65.214 36.297,63.934 L36.632,63.934 L36.273,66.114 L30,66.114 L30,65.767 Z M39.52,58.441 L39.52,62.181 L40.2,62.181 C41.492,62.181 42.091,61.465 42.091,60.241 C42.091,59.225 41.48,58.441 40.165,58.441 L39.519,58.441 L39.52,58.441 Z M39.52,64.949 C39.52,65.594 39.657,65.664 40.488,65.767 L40.488,66.114 L37.188,66.114 L37.188,65.767 C38.019,65.664 38.158,65.594 38.158,64.949 L38.158,59.179 C38.158,58.534 38.019,58.465 37.188,58.362 L37.188,58.015 L40.534,58.015 C42.482,58.015 43.51,58.925 43.51,60.241 C43.51,61.546 42.403,62.215 41.538,62.4 L43.371,64.799 C43.901,65.513 44.248,65.745 44.871,65.767 L44.871,66.114 L42.933,66.114 C42.599,65.882 42.322,65.525 41.976,65.041 L40.222,62.608 L39.519,62.608 L39.519,64.949 L39.52,64.949 Z M45.474,65.48 L45.392,63.507 L45.795,63.507 C46.061,64.949 46.788,65.813 47.954,65.813 C48.968,65.813 49.581,65.237 49.581,64.396 C49.581,63.483 49.073,63.126 47.619,62.549 C46.361,62.054 45.474,61.5 45.474,60.149 C45.474,58.858 46.452,57.899 48.01,57.899 C48.946,57.899 49.788,58.155 50.365,58.569 L50.365,60.289 L49.984,60.289 C49.799,59.007 49.119,58.314 48.01,58.314 C47.145,58.314 46.627,58.858 46.627,59.62 C46.627,60.473 47.042,60.808 48.31,61.304 C49.869,61.927 50.746,62.514 50.746,63.876 C50.746,65.398 49.475,66.229 47.954,66.229 C46.891,66.229 45.98,65.906 45.474,65.479 L45.474,65.48 Z M53.607,64.95 C53.607,65.594 53.746,65.664 54.575,65.767 L54.575,66.114 L51.277,66.114 L51.277,65.767 C52.108,65.664 52.246,65.594 52.246,64.949 L52.246,59.179 C52.246,58.534 52.108,58.465 51.277,58.362 L51.277,58.015 L54.575,58.015 L54.575,58.362 C53.745,58.465 53.607,58.534 53.607,59.18 L53.607,64.95 Z M62.363,58.015 L62.536,60.542 L62.236,60.542 C61.544,58.88 61.29,58.396 60.333,58.396 L59.595,58.396 L59.595,64.983 C59.595,65.628 59.895,65.663 60.679,65.767 L60.679,66.114 L57.15,66.114 L57.15,65.767 C57.946,65.664 58.246,65.628 58.246,64.983 L58.246,58.396 L57.496,58.396 C56.539,58.396 56.285,58.88 55.604,60.542 L55.293,60.542 L55.466,58.015 L62.363,58.015 Z M67.28,64.983 C67.28,65.628 67.58,65.663 68.363,65.767 L68.363,66.114 L64.893,66.114 L64.893,65.767 C65.676,65.664 65.988,65.628 65.988,64.983 L65.988,62.918 L63.668,58.788 C63.496,58.488 63.311,58.419 62.989,58.362 L62.989,58.015 L66.172,58.015 L66.172,58.362 C65.422,58.384 65.204,58.487 65.204,58.788 C65.204,58.985 65.295,59.148 65.422,59.366 L67.107,62.318 L68.732,59.389 C68.827,59.203 68.94,58.974 68.94,58.779 C68.94,58.479 68.71,58.384 67.972,58.362 L67.972,58.015 L70.266,58.015 L70.266,58.362 C69.955,58.419 69.748,58.511 69.586,58.788 L67.28,62.908 L67.28,64.983 Z M79.903,62.1 C79.903,60.241 79.198,58.328 77.607,58.328 C76.142,58.328 75.404,60.058 75.404,62.031 C75.404,63.888 76.119,65.803 77.71,65.803 C79.164,65.803 79.903,64.073 79.903,62.1 Z M73.939,62.227 C73.939,59.586 75.589,57.9 77.71,57.9 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                    <h1>Director of Finance</h1>
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                            <p>Reporting directly to the Vice-Chancellor as part of a recently reconfigured Vice-Chancellor’s Executive, the newly established Director of Finance role will be joining at a time of real momentum and positive change and will
                                be responsible for the strategic management of all finance related functions in an integrated approach to corporate management of the University.</p>
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            "description": "Reporting directly to the Vice-Chancellor as part of a recently reconfigured Vice-Chancellor’s Executive, the newly established Director of Finance role will be joining at a time of real momentum and positive change and will be responsible for the strategic management of all finance related functions in an integrated approach to corporate management of the University.",
            "publisher": {
                "@type": "CollegeOrUniversity",
                "name": "University of Derby"
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            <h2 id="course-details">Job details</h2>
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Department</p>
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Reports to</p>
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                        Vice Chancellor (VC)
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Location</p>
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                        <a href="https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Kedleston+Road+Derby+DE22+1GB" title="View Google Map of Kedleston Road">Kedleston Road <i class="uod-icons uod-icons-map-marker"></i></a>
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Salary</p>
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                        Competitive + benefits
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Closing date</p>
                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                        Friday 06 December 2019
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                    <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Post type</p>
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    <section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="about-the-role">
        <h2 id="about-the-role">About the role</h2>
        <p>Tasked with delivering the long-term financial sustainability of the University, you will be responsible for the delivery and implementation of future-focused strategies ensuring sound financial management investment and governance during a period
            of significant growth and transformation. As a key member of the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive team you will also be both a lead advisor and contributor to University-wide initiatives delivering corporate ambitions. An acknowledged financial
            expert with a national profile you will also act as a high-level external ambassador for the University forming effective relationships with a wide range of stakeholders.</p>
        <p>The successful candidate will be a clear strategic thinker, a graduate and a CCAB qualified accountant with extensive successful management experience of equivalent services in large and complex organisations. Understanding the issues faced by
            higher education would be advantageous but more important will be your experience of delivering excellent financial management and governance in complex high-quality customer facing environments. A technical expert you will also possess excellent
            interpersonal skills and have the ability to work collegiately with all internal and external partners.</p>
    <section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="principal-accountabilities">
        <h2 id="principal-accountabilities">Principal accountabilities</h2>
            <li>Provide strategic leadership for the finance directorate and lead on embedding a ‘centre of excellence’ model across the department. Engage with key stakeholders, lead the development and delivery of the University’s short / medium / long
                term financial operating strategy to support the University’s broader strategic aims and ensure its financial sustainability.</li>
            <li>From a position of deep understanding of the economics and business drivers associated with the University’s position in the FE and HE sectors, contribute to the identification of creative ways to enhance the University’s financial performance
                and maximise the value generated from its resources.</li>
            <li>Provide insight and actionable recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that the University’s annual spending is appropriately managed and that robust controls are operated effectively to support the successful delivery of the University’s
            <li>Be responsible for ensuring that the University meets its statutory and regulatory financial requirements and compliance for both Further Education and Higher Education; ensuring that the highest standards of financial stewardship and governance
                are met, supported by robust and well communicated finance procedures and regulations.</li>
            <li>Work pro-actively and collaboratively with other teams across the University, ensuring that a financial perspective is embedded in business cases and throughout the business planning and modelling process.</li>
            <li>Ensure that effective, high quality financial reporting, management information systems and KPIs are developed and enhanced to support key stakeholders in fulfilling their responsibilities; further to support the effective data collection
                and analysis required for external statutory and funding agencies.</li>
            <li>Oversee the production of high-quality, accurate and timely Financial and Management Accounts for the Vice-Chancellor’s Office. Identify, manage and mitigate high-level financial risks, ensuring that these are highlighted to VCE and addressed
                within the risk register.</li>
            <li>Provide strategic planning and guidance in line with regulatory frameworks to ensure clear investment strategies and option analysis as part of the University’s annual planning and budgeting process.</li>
            <li>Be responsible for relevant internal and external audit liaison with the relevant University committee (i.e. Strategy, Finance and Planning Committee and Audit and Risk Committee) and ensure implementation of relevant recommendations and actions.</li>
            <li>Oversight of statutory financial reporting; Annual Financial Statements and Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) returns.</li>
            <li>Play an influential role in the finance agenda within the HE sector; including contributing to positive relationships with national HE bodies (Office for Students, Higher Education Statistics Agency, enterprise bodies, British Universities
                Finance Directors Group etc.)</li>
            <li>Provide the financial lead on major capital projects and strategic projects aimed at commercial growth, supporting senior colleagues in developing costing, pricing and capital investment strategies.</li>
            <li>Work to deepen the level of financial acumen of leaders and managers across the University and embed a finance business partnering approach, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship whilst still ensuring that appropriate financial controls
                are observed.</li>
            <li>In having overall responsibility for all key finance functions, including procurement and payroll, work with other key VCE members and stakeholders to ensure the provision of high quality, effective and efficient finance services to staff,
                students and other stakeholders.</li>
            <li>Develop and maintain investment, borrowing and tax planning strategies, including in respect of activities undertaken outside the UK, maintaining key associated external relationships.</li>
            <li>Building, leading and motivating a successful and engaged team of professionals; driving improvements in capability, diversity and resilience of the team; ensuring that local strategic and operational plans are aligned to the University’s
                strategic framework and corporate objectives.</li>
            <li>Work collaboratively with key senior stakeholders, including the Chief Performance Officer, Deputy VC Academic, thematic Pro Vice-Chancellors and Executive Leads to ensure collective success and achievement of financial systems, procedures
                and internal controls</li>
            <li>Lead on the implementation of standard financial processes across the function and the creation of a continuous process improvement culture that seeks to drive the greatest efficiency; identifying and adopting new technologies as they emerge.</li>
            <li>Ensure that diversity and inclusion are integral to the culture and activities in areas of responsibility and across the University.</li>
            <li>Contribute flexibility in undertaking any other responsibilities commensurate with the role and as assigned by the VC from time to time.</li>
    <section class="text-block" role="region" aria-labelledby="person-specification">
        <h2 id="person-specification">Person specification</h2>
        <h3>Essential Criteria</h3>
            <li>Good honours degree or equivalent</li>
            <li>CCAB or equivalent financial qualification</li>
            <li>Evidence of continuous professional development</li>
            <li>Excellent strategic leadership skills with experience of leading, motivating and developing a diverse team to deliver an effective and efficient service; with a strong track record of building capability and developing people</li>
            <li>Experience of leading a range of financial or commercial activities, as well as successfully leading financial planning and forecasting for an organisation</li>
            <li>Experience of operating as a senior analytical finance professional, with credibility across all aspects of the finance agenda – particularly in relation to financial management</li>
            <li>Experience of providing oversight for annual audit / review and managing relationships with external auditors</li>
            <li>Experience of identifying and managing direct and indirect tax exposures, both in the UK and internationally</li>
            <li>Proven experience of identifying, assessing and appropriately managing financial business risk</li>
            <li>Track record of successfully facilitating progressive financial system and process development in a financially complex organisation</li>
            <li>Commercially astute, technically accomplished and able to demonstrate high level financial analysis and management skills. Credible with a high level of integrity and a strong negotiator</li>
            <li>Creative thinking and the ability to use financial and wider performance analysis to promote
                <li>transparency and challenge the status quo</li>
                <li>Knowledge of due diligence techniques and practices to support strategic investments / divestments</li>
                <li>Excellent strategic ability focused on the delivery of outcomes and adopting an optimistic and pragmatic approach to solve problems; with the ability to make decisions that are in the best interest of the University in a complex environment,
                    often with competing objectives and priorities</li>
                <li>Highly effective, proven change management skills</li>
                <li>Proven effective project management skills and experience in project costing</li>
                <li>Excellent communication, networking and influencing skills, with the credibility to engage with and influence senior academic staff and other diverse range of internal and external stakeholders</li>
                <li>Agility and resilience necessary to deal with demanding workloads and deadlines</li>
        <h4>Business requirements</h4>
            <li>Empathy for a not-for-profit provider of Further Education and Higher Education</li>
            <li>Highly flexible and able to travel on business when required</li>
        <h3>Desirable Criteria</h3>
            <li>Leadership or management qualification or evidence of leadership ability through high quality internal / external development.</li>
            <li>UK Higher Education sector experience</li>
        <h4>Skills, knowledge and abilities</h4>
            <li>Knowledge of UK HE sector trends and innovations, as well as its funding and financial landscape</li>
        <h4>Business Requirements</h4>
            <li>Understanding of the governance arrangements for charities in general and UK universities in particular</li>
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        <h2 id="benefits">Benefits</h2>
        <h3>List of Employee Benefits* for Leadership roles</h3>
            <li>Local Government Pension Scheme - Defined Benefit Pension (accrual rate 1/49th) – which also includes 3 times life cover, ill health protection and flexible retirement options</li>
            <li>Annual Leave – 30 days plus bank holidays and 4 concessionary days and the opportunity to participate in the holiday trading scheme</li>
            <li>Comprehensive single PMI cover with AXA PPP – with Family cover options</li>
            <li>Leadership Group additional 3 times life cover</li>
            <li>Flexible benefits at discounted rates</li>
            <li>Health Assessment</li>
            <li>Health cash plan</li>
            <li>Cycle to work</li>
            <li>Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) – confidential help on personal issues – family, financial, tax, medical, childcare support and many more</li>
            <li>Employee discounts at local and national businesses</li>
            <li>On-site gym – low cost membership</li>
            <li>Discounted and sponsored accredited programmes of study for self and partner/children</li>
        <p><em>* Details on terms and conditions for each benefit can be provided on request</em></p>
        <h3>Benefits of working at the University</h3>
        <p>As well as competitive pay scales, we offer generous holiday entitlement. We also offer opportunities for further salary progression based on performance, and the opportunity to join a contributory pension scheme.</p>
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        <h2>How to apply</h3>
            <p>To find out more about this exceptional opportunity with one of the country’s leading modern and innovative universities please contact our recruitment consultant Alan Walter, Dixon Walter Ltd on <a href="tel:01912021000">0191 202 1000</a>,
                email <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> or visit <a href="https://www.dixonwalter.co.uk/higher-education/opportunities/derby-fd">dixonwalter.co.uk</a></p>
            <p>Closing date for applications is Friday 6th December with final interviews scheduled for Friday 17th January.</p>
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L20.85,66.114 L17.55,66.114 L17.55,65.767 C18.38,65.664 18.518,65.594 18.518,64.949 L18.518,59.179 C18.518,58.534 18.381,58.465 17.55,58.362 L17.55,58.015 L20.85,58.015 L20.85,58.362 C20.018,58.465 19.88,58.534 19.88,59.18 L19.88,64.95 Z M27.967,59.33 C28.037,59.157 28.083,59.007 28.083,58.87 C28.083,58.524 27.83,58.396 27.08,58.362 L27.08,58.015 L29.386,58.015 L29.386,58.362 C29.064,58.419 28.832,58.478 28.705,58.788 L25.742,66.206 L25.419,66.206 L22.143,58.788 C22.003,58.478 21.783,58.419 21.462,58.362 L21.462,58.015 L24.692,58.015 L24.692,58.362 C23.93,58.396 23.7,58.511 23.7,58.87 C23.7,58.997 23.734,59.134 23.815,59.33 L26.03,64.314 L27.967,59.33 Z M30,65.767 C30.831,65.664 30.97,65.594 30.97,64.949 L30.97,59.179 C30.97,58.534 30.831,58.465 30,58.362 L30,58.015 L36.16,58.015 L36.217,60.012 L35.941,60.012 C35.399,58.765 35.041,58.432 34.187,58.432 L32.33,58.432 L32.33,61.719 L33.99,61.719 C34.497,61.719 34.682,61.384 34.797,60.669 L35.156,60.669 L35.156,63.195 L34.797,63.195 C34.682,62.481 34.497,62.157 33.991,62.157 L32.33,62.157 L32.33,64.914 C32.33,65.537 32.652,65.698 33.414,65.698 L34.313,65.698 C35.19,65.698 35.559,65.214 36.297,63.934 L36.632,63.934 L36.273,66.114 L30,66.114 L30,65.767 Z M39.52,58.441 L39.52,62.181 L40.2,62.181 C41.492,62.181 42.091,61.465 42.091,60.241 C42.091,59.225 41.48,58.441 40.165,58.441 L39.519,58.441 L39.52,58.441 Z M39.52,64.949 C39.52,65.594 39.657,65.664 40.488,65.767 L40.488,66.114 L37.188,66.114 L37.188,65.767 C38.019,65.664 38.158,65.594 38.158,64.949 L38.158,59.179 C38.158,58.534 38.019,58.465 37.188,58.362 L37.188,58.015 L40.534,58.015 C42.482,58.015 43.51,58.925 43.51,60.241 C43.51,61.546 42.403,62.215 41.538,62.4 L43.371,64.799 C43.901,65.513 44.248,65.745 44.871,65.767 L44.871,66.114 L42.933,66.114 C42.599,65.882 42.322,65.525 41.976,65.041 L40.222,62.608 L39.519,62.608 L39.519,64.949 L39.52,64.949 Z M45.474,65.48 L45.392,63.507 L45.795,63.507 C46.061,64.949 46.788,65.813 47.954,65.813 C48.968,65.813 49.581,65.237 49.581,64.396 C49.581,63.483 49.073,63.126 47.619,62.549 C46.361,62.054 45.474,61.5 45.474,60.149 C45.474,58.858 46.452,57.899 48.01,57.899 C48.946,57.899 49.788,58.155 50.365,58.569 L50.365,60.289 L49.984,60.289 C49.799,59.007 49.119,58.314 48.01,58.314 C47.145,58.314 46.627,58.858 46.627,59.62 C46.627,60.473 47.042,60.808 48.31,61.304 C49.869,61.927 50.746,62.514 50.746,63.876 C50.746,65.398 49.475,66.229 47.954,66.229 C46.891,66.229 45.98,65.906 45.474,65.479 L45.474,65.48 Z M53.607,64.95 C53.607,65.594 53.746,65.664 54.575,65.767 L54.575,66.114 L51.277,66.114 L51.277,65.767 C52.108,65.664 52.246,65.594 52.246,64.949 L52.246,59.179 C52.246,58.534 52.108,58.465 51.277,58.362 L51.277,58.015 L54.575,58.015 L54.575,58.362 C53.745,58.465 53.607,58.534 53.607,59.18 L53.607,64.95 Z M62.363,58.015 L62.536,60.542 L62.236,60.542 C61.544,58.88 61.29,58.396 60.333,58.396 L59.595,58.396 L59.595,64.983 C59.595,65.628 59.895,65.663 60.679,65.767 L60.679,66.114 L57.15,66.114 L57.15,65.767 C57.946,65.664 58.246,65.628 58.246,64.983 L58.246,58.396 L57.496,58.396 C56.539,58.396 56.285,58.88 55.604,60.542 L55.293,60.542 L55.466,58.015 L62.363,58.015 Z M67.28,64.983 C67.28,65.628 67.58,65.663 68.363,65.767 L68.363,66.114 L64.893,66.114 L64.893,65.767 C65.676,65.664 65.988,65.628 65.988,64.983 L65.988,62.918 L63.668,58.788 C63.496,58.488 63.311,58.419 62.989,58.362 L62.989,58.015 L66.172,58.015 L66.172,58.362 C65.422,58.384 65.204,58.487 65.204,58.788 C65.204,58.985 65.295,59.148 65.422,59.366 L67.107,62.318 L68.732,59.389 C68.827,59.203 68.94,58.974 68.94,58.779 C68.94,58.479 68.71,58.384 67.972,58.362 L67.972,58.015 L70.266,58.015 L70.266,58.362 C69.955,58.419 69.748,58.511 69.586,58.788 L67.28,62.908 L67.28,64.983 Z M79.903,62.1 C79.903,60.241 79.198,58.328 77.607,58.328 C76.142,58.328 75.404,60.058 75.404,62.031 C75.404,63.888 76.119,65.803 77.71,65.803 C79.164,65.803 79.903,64.073 79.903,62.1 Z M73.939,62.227 C73.939,59.586 75.589,57.9 77.71,57.9 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    contentTypeTag: 'Job vacancy',
    heading: 'Director of Finance',
    pattern: 'zigzag',
    contentScheme: 'white',
    featuredContent: '<p>Reporting directly to the Vice-Chancellor as part of a recently reconfigured Vice-Chancellor’s Executive, the newly established Director of Finance role will be joining at a time of real momentum and positive change and will be responsible for the strategic management of all finance related functions in an integrated approach to corporate management of the University.</p>',
    breadcrumbs: {
        links: [
                label: 'Careers',
                href: '#'
                label: 'Current vacancies',
                href: '#'
                label: 'Director of Finance',
                href: '#'
    callToAction : {
    	label: 'Apply now',
        href: '#how-to-apply',
} %}
<main class="center-align">
{% include '@key-course-details-block' with {
	blockType: 'Job',
    items: [
            label: 'Department',
            content: 'Executive'
            label: 'Reports to',
            content: 'Vice Chancellor (VC)'
            label: 'Location',
            content: '<a href="https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Kedleston+Road+Derby+DE22+1GB" title="View Google Map of Kedleston Road">Kedleston Road <i class="uod-icons uod-icons-map-marker"></i></a>'
            label: 'Salary',
            content: 'Competitive + benefits'
            label: 'Closing date',
            content: 'Friday 06 December 2019'
            label: 'Post type',
            content: 'Full-time'
            label: 'Reference',
            content: '0654-19'
} %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'About the role' } %}
    {% block content %}
		<p>Tasked with delivering the long-term financial sustainability of the University, you will be responsible for the delivery and implementation of future-focused strategies ensuring sound financial management investment and governance during a period of significant growth and transformation. As a key member of the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive team you will also be both a lead advisor and contributor to University-wide initiatives delivering corporate ambitions. An acknowledged financial expert with a national profile you will also act as a high-level external ambassador for the University forming effective relationships with a wide range of stakeholders.</p>
		<p>The successful candidate will be a clear strategic thinker, a graduate and a CCAB qualified accountant with extensive successful management experience of equivalent services in large and complex organisations. Understanding the issues faced by higher education would be advantageous but more important will be your experience of delivering excellent financial management and governance in complex high-quality customer facing environments. A technical expert you will also possess excellent interpersonal skills and have the ability to work collegiately with all internal and external partners.</p>
    {% endblock %}
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{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Principal accountabilities' } %}
    {% block content %}
			<li>Provide strategic leadership for the finance directorate and lead on embedding a ‘centre of excellence’ model across the department. Engage with key stakeholders, lead the development and delivery of the University’s short / medium / long term financial operating strategy to support the University’s broader strategic aims and ensure its financial sustainability.</li>
			<li>From a position of deep understanding of the economics and business drivers associated with the University’s position in the FE and HE sectors, contribute to the identification of creative ways to enhance the University’s financial performance and maximise the value generated from its resources.</li>
			<li>Provide insight and actionable recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that the University’s annual spending is appropriately managed and that robust controls are operated effectively to support the successful delivery of the University’s priorities.</li>
			<li>Be responsible for ensuring that the University meets its statutory and regulatory financial requirements and compliance for both Further Education and Higher Education; ensuring that the highest standards of financial stewardship and governance are met, supported by robust and well communicated finance procedures and regulations.</li>
			<li>Work pro-actively and collaboratively with other teams across the University, ensuring that a financial perspective is embedded in business cases and throughout the business planning and modelling process.</li>
			<li>Ensure that effective, high quality financial reporting, management information systems and KPIs are developed and enhanced to support key stakeholders in fulfilling their responsibilities; further to support the effective data collection and analysis required for external statutory and funding agencies.</li>
			<li>Oversee the production of high-quality, accurate and timely Financial and Management Accounts for the Vice-Chancellor’s Office. Identify, manage and mitigate high-level financial risks, ensuring that these are highlighted to VCE and addressed within the risk register.</li>
			<li>Provide strategic planning and guidance in line with regulatory frameworks to ensure clear investment strategies and option analysis as part of the University’s annual planning and budgeting process.</li>
			<li>Be responsible for relevant internal and external audit liaison with the relevant University committee (i.e. Strategy, Finance and Planning Committee and Audit and Risk Committee) and ensure implementation of relevant recommendations and actions.</li>
			<li>Oversight of statutory financial reporting; Annual Financial Statements and Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) returns.</li>
			<li>Play an influential role in the finance agenda within the HE sector; including contributing to positive relationships with national HE bodies (Office for Students, Higher Education Statistics Agency, enterprise bodies, British Universities Finance Directors Group etc.)</li>
			<li>Provide the financial lead on major capital projects and strategic projects aimed at commercial growth, supporting senior colleagues in developing costing, pricing and capital investment strategies.</li>
			<li>Work to deepen the level of financial acumen of leaders and managers across the University and embed a finance business partnering approach, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship whilst still ensuring that appropriate financial controls are observed.</li>
			<li>In having overall responsibility for all key finance functions, including procurement and payroll, work with other key VCE members and stakeholders to ensure the provision of high quality, effective and efficient finance services to staff, students and other stakeholders.</li>
			<li>Develop and maintain investment, borrowing and tax planning strategies, including in respect of activities undertaken outside the UK, maintaining key associated external relationships.</li>
			<li>Building, leading and motivating a successful and engaged team of professionals; driving improvements in capability, diversity and resilience of the team; ensuring that local strategic and operational plans are aligned to the University’s strategic framework and corporate objectives.</li>
			<li>Work collaboratively with key senior stakeholders, including the Chief Performance Officer, Deputy VC Academic, thematic Pro Vice-Chancellors and Executive Leads to ensure collective success and achievement of financial systems, procedures and internal controls</li>
			<li>Lead on the implementation of standard financial processes across the function and the creation of a continuous process improvement culture that seeks to drive the greatest efficiency; identifying and adopting new technologies as they emerge.</li>
			<li>Ensure that diversity and inclusion are integral to the culture and activities in areas of responsibility and across the University.</li>
			<li>Contribute flexibility in undertaking any other responsibilities commensurate with the role and as assigned by the VC from time to time.</li>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Person specification' }  %}
	{% block content %}
		<h3>Essential Criteria</h3>
			<li>Good honours degree or equivalent</li>
			<li>CCAB or equivalent financial qualification</li>
			<li>Evidence of continuous professional development</li>
			<li>Excellent strategic leadership skills with experience of leading, motivating and developing a diverse team to deliver an effective and efficient service; with a strong track record of building capability and developing people</li>
			<li>Experience of leading a range of financial or commercial activities, as well as successfully leading financial planning and forecasting for an organisation</li>
			<li>Experience of operating as a senior analytical finance professional, with credibility across all aspects of the finance agenda – particularly in relation to financial management</li>
			<li>Experience of providing oversight for annual audit / review and managing relationships with external auditors</li>
			<li>Experience of identifying and managing direct and indirect tax exposures, both in the UK and internationally</li>
			<li>Proven experience of identifying, assessing and appropriately managing financial business risk</li>
			<li>Track record of successfully facilitating progressive financial system and process development in a financially complex organisation</li>
			<li>Commercially astute, technically accomplished and able to demonstrate high level financial analysis and management skills. Credible with a high level of integrity and a strong negotiator</li>
			<li>Creative thinking and the ability to use financial and wider performance analysis to promote<li>transparency and challenge the status quo</li>
			<li>Knowledge of due diligence techniques and practices to support strategic investments / divestments</li>
			<li>Excellent strategic ability focused on the delivery of outcomes and adopting an optimistic and pragmatic approach to solve problems; with the ability to make decisions that are in the best interest of the University in a complex environment, often with competing objectives and priorities</li>
			<li>Highly effective, proven change management skills</li>
			<li>Proven effective project management skills and experience in project costing</li>
			<li>Excellent communication, networking and influencing skills, with the credibility to engage with and influence senior academic staff and other diverse range of internal and external stakeholders</li>
			<li>Agility and resilience necessary to deal with demanding workloads and deadlines</li>
		<h4>Business requirements</h4>
			<li>Empathy for a not-for-profit provider of Further Education and Higher Education</li>
			<li>Highly flexible and able to travel on business when required</li>
		<h3>Desirable Criteria</h3>
			<li>Leadership or management qualification or evidence of leadership ability through high quality internal / external development.</li>
			<li>UK Higher Education sector experience</li>
		<h4>Skills, knowledge and abilities</h4>
			<li>Knowledge of UK HE sector trends and innovations, as well as its funding and financial landscape</li>
		<h4>Business Requirements</h4>
			<li>Understanding of the governance arrangements for charities in general and UK universities in particular</li>
	{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' with { title: 'Benefits' }  %}
	{% block content %}
		<h3>List of Employee Benefits* for Leadership roles</h3>
			<li>Local Government Pension Scheme - Defined Benefit Pension (accrual rate 1/49th) – which also includes 3 times life cover, ill health protection and flexible retirement options</li>
			<li>Annual Leave – 30 days plus bank holidays and 4 concessionary days and the opportunity to participate in the holiday trading scheme</li>
			<li>Comprehensive single PMI cover with AXA PPP – with Family cover options</li>
			<li>Leadership Group additional 3 times life cover</li>
			<li>Flexible benefits at discounted rates</li>
			<li>Health Assessment</li>
			<li>Health cash plan</li>
			<li>Cycle to work</li>
			<li>Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) – confidential help on personal issues – family, financial, tax, medical, childcare support and many more</li>
			<li>Employee discounts at local and national businesses</li>
			<li>On-site gym – low cost membership</li>
			<li>Discounted and sponsored accredited programmes of study for self and partner/children</li>
		<p><em>* Details on terms and conditions for each benefit can be provided on request</em></p>
		<h3>Benefits of working at the University</h3>
		<p>As well as competitive pay scales, we offer generous holiday entitlement. We also offer opportunities for further salary progression based on performance, and the opportunity to join a contributory pension scheme.</p>
			{% include '@button' with {
		        label: 'Find out more about the Benefits',
		        href: '#',
		    } %}
	{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed '@text-block' %}
    {% block content %}
    	<a id="how-to-apply"></a>
		<h2>How to apply</h3>
		<p>To find out more about this exceptional opportunity with one of the country’s leading modern and innovative universities please contact our recruitment consultant Alan Walter, Dixon Walter Ltd on <a href="tel:01912021000">0191 202 1000</a>, email <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> or visit <a href="https://www.dixonwalter.co.uk/higher-education/opportunities/derby-fd">dixonwalter.co.uk</a></p>
		<p>Closing date for applications is Friday 6th December with final interviews scheduled for Friday 17th January.</p>
		<h3>Further details</h3>
			<a href="https://jobs.derby.ac.uk/Upload/vacancies/files/2886/Director%20of%20Finance%20JD.pdf" class="button-outline">Download Job description</a> <a href="https://jobs.derby.ac.uk/Upload/vacancies/files/2886/Applicant%20Brief%20-Director%20of%20Finance.pdf" class="button-outline">Download candidate pack</a>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
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        alt: 'Example image'
    title: 'Working at the University',
    copy: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, consequuntur placeat eaque beatae. Vel sapiente error aliquam dolorem cumque sit ab ea, consequuntur cum, consequatur laborum quo reiciendis praesentium fugit?",
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    patternColour: 'turquoise',
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		<h3>You might also like</h3>
			<li><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Dicta sed architecto eveniet</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Quasi enim inventore ut nostrum</a></li>
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	{% block content %}
		<p><img src="https://jobs.derby.ac.uk/org/images/logobar3.jpg" style="margin: 0 auto; display: block;" /></p>
		<p>We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expect everyone who works for us to also share this commitment and to treat people with courtesy and respect.</p>
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  "callToAction": {
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  "menu": [
    "Course Search",
      "title": "Study",
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      "secondaryMenuItems": [
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          "label": "International",
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      "actions": [
          "title": "Book your Open Day",
          "description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
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          "title": "Research degrees",
          "description": "Find everything you need on undergraduating studying Nick to write more text",
          "href": "#"
      "secondaryMenuItems": [],
      "caseStudies": [
          "title": "Satisfaction, happiness and our connection to nature",
          "description": "See our latest studies into how a stronger connection to nature increases a person’s life satisfaction and happiness, at the same time as lowering their anxiety levels",
          "href": "#"
      "actions": [
          "title": "Book your Open Day",
          "description": "Come and have a look around at one of our open days, wherre you can chat to the lecturers and view facilties.",
          "callToAction": {
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      "title": "Business Services",
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          "href": "#"
          "title": "Funding, Services and Support",
          "description": "You can develop your business using our expertise and resources, grants and loans, or free support.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Facilities and Services",
          "description": "We have venues for conferences, meetings and events, plus first-class technological centres and research and development facilities.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Recruiting the Best Talent",
          "description": "We want to connect your organisation to our talent. Our students and graduates can provide you with new ideas and energy.",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Research and Expertise",
          "description": "We are experts in applied research with a practical, business focus and can help you with project development.",
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          "description": "Join our growing network of high-quality corporate and academic partners.",
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          "callToAction": {
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            "href": "#"
  "searchresults": [
      "category": {
        "title": "Courses"
      "results": [
          "title": "Art and Design Mphil or PhD",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Art Therapy MA",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "An introduction to Art Therapy Supervision",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Creative Art and Design Practice (FdA)",
          "href": "#"
          "title": "Arts Therapies Theory and Research in Relation to Practice One",
          "href": "#"
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  "accolades": [
      "imageSource": "/images/TEF-Gold-logo-words.svg",
      "label": "Teaching Excellence Framework Gold",
      "href": "#"
  "anchorlinks": {
    "type": "course",
    "links": [
        "label": "About the role",
        "landmark": "about-the-role"
        "label": "Principal accountabilities",
        "landmark": "principal-accountabilities"
        "label": "Person specification",
        "landmark": "person-specification"
        "label": "Benefits",
        "landmark": "benefits"
        "label": "How to apply",
        "landmark": "how-to-apply"

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