<section class="key-course-details-block">
    <div class="key-course-details-block-inner">
        <h2 id="course-details">Course details</h2>
        <div class="key-course-details-block-items-wrapper">
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Module code</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Module level</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    Level 7
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Module credits</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    20 credits
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Start date (usually)</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    October 2017
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Course length</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    Six months
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item key-course-details-block-item-three-column">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Lecture/workshop days - dates/times</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    Teaching dates are: 06/10/18-3/11/18-1/12/18-5/1/19-2/2/19-2/3/19. All sessions take place at Britannia Mill from 9.15am to 4pm. The course induction will be on Friday 28.9.18.
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item key-course-details-block-item-three-column">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">Tutorial dates/times</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    On each teaching date tutorials and staff/student meetings will take place between 4 and 5pm as required.

<section class="key-course-details-block">
    <div class="key-course-details-block-inner">
        {% if tag %}
            <div class="key-course-details-block-tag">
                <div class="tag{% if tag.color %} tag-{{ tag.color }}{% endif %}">{{ tag.label }}</div>
                {% if tag.text %}<p class="key-course-details-block-tag-p"> - <a href="{{ tag.href }}">{{ tag.text }}</a></p>{% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        <h2 id="course-details">{% if blockType %}{{ blockType }}{% else %}Course{% endif %} details</h2>
        <div class="key-course-details-block-items-wrapper">
            {% for item in items %}
            <div class="key-course-details-block-item{% if item.size %} key-course-details-block-item-{{ item.size }}{% endif %}">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">{{ item.label }}</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-item-p">
                    {{ item.content }}
            {% endfor %} 
    {% if jointHonoursUrl or withFoundationYearUrl %}
        {% if jointHonoursUrl %}
        <div class="key-course-details-block-option">
            <div class="key-course-details-block-option-inner">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-option-p">This course is available as a Joint Honours degree.</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-option-p">
                    {% include '@button' with { 
                        label: 'View Joint Honours options',
                        href: jointHonoursUrl
                    } %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if withFoundationYearUrl %}
        <div class="key-course-details-block-option">
            <div class="key-course-details-block-option-inner">
                <p class="key-course-details-block-option-p">If you do not achieve the typical entry points required, you may want to consider studying this course with foundation year.</p>
                <p class="key-course-details-block-option-p">
                    {% include '@button' with { 
                        label: 'View with foundation year option',
                        href: jointHonoursUrl
                    } %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

If you do not achieve the typical entry points required, you may want to consider studying this course with foundation year. 
  "items": [
      "label": "Module code",
      "content": "7TA505"
      "label": "Module level",
      "content": "Level 7"
      "label": "Module credits",
      "content": "20 credits"
      "label": "Start date (usually)",
      "content": "October 2017"
      "label": "Course length",
      "content": "Six months"
      "label": "Lecture/workshop days - dates/times",
      "content": "Teaching dates are: 06/10/18-3/11/18-1/12/18-5/1/19-2/2/19-2/3/19. All sessions take place at Britannia Mill from 9.15am to 4pm. The course induction will be on Friday 28.9.18.",
      "size": "three-column"
      "label": "Tutorial dates/times",
      "content": "On each teaching date tutorials and staff/student meetings will take place between 4 and 5pm as required.",
      "size": "three-column"
  • Content:
    .key-course-details-block {
        border: 10px solid $primary-blue;
        lost-column: 8/8 0;
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            @include responsive('padding-right', 20px, 40px, 320px, 1200px);
            @include responsive('padding-top', 20px, 30px, 320px, 1200px);
            @include responsive('padding-bottom', 20px, 30px, 320px, 1200px);
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             margin-bottom: px-to-em(16, $body-font-size);
            &-p {
                display: inline-block;
                margin-bottom: 0;
        &-items-wrapper {
            display: flex;
            flex-wrap: wrap;
            lost-utility: clearfix;
        &-item {
            lost-column: 8/8 0 0;
            margin-top: px-to-em(16, $body-font-size);
            @include for-tablet-portrait-up {
                lost-column: 8/16 0 0;
                padding-right: 10px;
                &.key-course-details-block-item-three-column {
                    lost-column: 16/16 0 0;
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                lost-column: 1/3 0 0;
                &.key-course-details-block-item-two-column {
                    lost-column: 8/16 0 0;
            &:last-child {
                margin-bottom: 0;
            &-p {
                font-family: $large-body-font;
                font-size: 18px;
                &:first-child {
                    font-weight: bold;
                    color: $primary-blue;
                    margin-bottom: 0;
        &-option {
            background: $light-grey;
            @include responsive('padding-left', 20px, 40px, 320px, 1200px);
            @include responsive('padding-right', 20px, 40px, 320px, 1200px);
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                        margin-bottom: -10px;
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                display: flex;
                flex-direction: column;
                lost-utility: clearfix;
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  • URL: /components/raw/key-course-details-block/key-course-details-block.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/components/key-course-details-block/key-course-details-block.scss
  • Size: 3.6 KB

Key Course Details Block

This component forms part of the course page layout and is used to display key information about a course to the user.

The block can be flexible showing information depending on the type of the course. However the first item of the block will contain study options and span the full width of the block on tablet and above.

Key Features

  • Provides the user bitesize useful information
  • Optional promotion of alternative pathways for the course e.g. Joint Honour and/or with Foundation Year


Key Course Details Block

  • items [required, Array of item]
  • jointHonoursUrl [required, block]
  • withFoundationYearUrl [required, block]
  • blockType [optional, string, default Course]


  • label [required, string]
  • content [required, string]